Gold! The Mystery of the $30 Billion Treasure

jeff of pa

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Dec 19, 2003
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I have Not been Following this One, So I do not know if it's Here already.

You are about to read a story that strains the imagination. It is about the disappearance of a fortune of up to $30 billion in gold bullion. When it was first presented as a “tip” to a Freedom Magazine reporter in El Paso, Texas, in 1981, it was discounted as beyond belief. However, when dozens of unrelated, independent sources began to corroborate the story, it could no longer be disregarded, no matter how bizarre. The following story, constructed from personal interviews, documents and confidential reports, is the result of a five-year investigation.

wow... the military gets all of the good stuff once they find out......:lurk:

Hey Jeff,

I know Tom Whittle. This article was the best there was before Tom got with Jack and wrote The Gold House Trilogy of books regarding this treasure. Before the books, this is the article I used to point everyone to who hadn't heard about the treasure at Victorio Peak.


I've been Somewhat Familiar with Victorio Peak, In that as long as I can remember,
I was of the Impression the Gold was in the Mountain, and odds are Very good
if it is, It's being treated like a Fort Knox by the Military,
or already Removed & Divied up between the top Brass & their accomplices.
At least the ones they Couldn't Silence Permanently.

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I've been Somewhat Familiar with Victorio Peak, In that as long as I can remember,
I was of the Impression the Gold was in the Mountain, and odds are Very good
if it is, It's being treated like a Fort Knox by the Military,
or already Removed & Divied up between the top Brass & their accomplices.
At least the ones they Couldn't Silence Permanently.


Three stories come together here:
1. Victorio Peak
2. Ft. Huachuca
3. Willie Douthitt's gold bar cave

Willie murdered a young boy named Jack Reynolds to get an old treasure map he had. Using the map, Willie found a cave in the Caballo Mountains that contained about 2000 forty pound gold bars. After selling half of one (long story short), Willie's find made it into the newspapers (if you have you can find it 1929). Willie was kidnapped twice and tortured by people trying to find the location of his cave. The second time, his buddy Doc Noss shot and killed the guy guarding him, and helped him get away. In gratitude, Willie showed Doc the map which showed seven treasure caves. Because of that Doc found the treasure caverns under Victorio Peak (and likely one other cave). Shortly thereafter, Willie took his dead cousin's name (Lawrence Foreman) and moved to San Diego, where he lived until his death in 1998.

In 1941 a Private Robert Jones found a treasure cave on Forth Huachuca.

Over Thanksgiving Weekend in (IIRC) 1976, the military emptied out both Victorio Peak and Ft. Huachuca treasure caves. The Operations Officer (Capt. William Orby Swanner) at White Sands Missile Range (where Victorio Peak is), witnessed the US Government flatbed approximately 93 million ounces of gold from VP. He later signed a notarized affidavit to that affect.

According to Willie, there are still (to this day) about 1200-1400 bars in his cave. He would never give the exact location to anybody because there are probably 6-7 dead bodies/skeletons there that he and a friend murdered to keep the cave a secret. No statute of limitations on murder!



When the gold first left Arizona, it was flown by military cargo plane to Lyndon Johnson's Ranch in Texas. Only President to ever have a airstrip built on their property big enough to land a military cargo plane. HAHAHA

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Gollum (Mike) has this story pretty much nailed. Most of the players have passed away. A few loose threads are still out there. Is There still gold/silver bars in Willies cave? Did All the bars Doc stashed before he was killed get recovered? What happened to Willies original maps?

i say that it never happened.there is not one item of verifiable proof in existence. not a one. just stories and pictures of pawn shop purchases. bunch of lies. great story to sell books in modern times. sorry guys, but it is a bogus story. if you buy books and read about it , read them for enjoyment not as a fact of history. there is just no proof.

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i say that it never happened.there is not one item of verifiable proof in existence. not a one. just stories and pictures of pawn shop purchases. bunch of lies. great story to sell books in modern times. sorry guys, but it is a bogus story. if you buy books and read about it , read them for enjoyment not as a fact of history. there is just no proof.

Except for the FACT that when Willie died in 1998, his estate was valued conservatively at $3.5 MILLION, and thats not counting the approximately $1.5MILLION his girlfriend found in cash in his house after his funeral. Its a shame that Autofull keeps spouting that same crap, even after people that personally knew Willie/Larry tell the story. You are very welcome to believe anything your heart desires. If it makes you feel smarter or superior in some way that some country fella that was far from a genius (and when he was young had a very bad streak) could find a fortune in gold while you are stuck in ........wherever you are stuck in. You ever meet Willie/Larry? You ever meet Doc Noss? Ever meet Benny Samaniego? Did Benny ever tell you that the suit of Spanish Armor and the few gold bars he got from Doc were BS? The same gold bars Benny bought those adjoining lots and had his house built with? You ever speak with Capt. William Orby Swanner? Know how he died? I will tell you that one of his sons is still in the CIA. I don't know how much research you have done into the subject, but it seems to be lacking.

Take Care - Mike

nope, where is your in hand proof guy. the peak was torn apart for uranium not treasure. swanner was there, just to keep things under control. not to protect a treasure. you really like to call people names when they do not agree with you mike. open yer mind. more to see than treasure. all you know of are tales dude. nothing more. anyone can make up and keep repeating a story and start others to say the same thing. you, have fallen under that grace. yup, i can argue with you all day, show the in hand proof, not pictures or printed stories mike. if not, settle down.

Aaaaahhhhh. Fake victimization! Have I ever called you a name? I don't think so. If you were truly only skeptical of the story (which I can completely believe), I might have a conversation with you about it. There is a ton of stuff I won't publicly post. I have corresponded with SDCFIA about some of it. I have hinted many times at things.

If you were skeptical about their being a cave system under the Peak (because the powers that be at WSMR say so), I might direct you to my friend Dr. Lambert Dolphin. He was the head physicist at SRI (Stanford Research Institute) for about 35 years, and is widely considered to be the father of modern ground penetrating radar. He was in charge of the sonic surveys at the peak during Operation Goldfinder which proved beyond doubt that there is a vast cave system under VP.

You say VP was torn up excavating Uranium. Do you have copies of any assays showing Uranium at VP? The only assays I know of were the ones Doc had done showing gold and copper content and one after Ova left him showing some low grade Galena. Never heard of Uranium there. Capt. Swanner never said a word about Uranium to any of his relatives. He only told about gold. Thats why the base commander called him a liar and said he was never at VP................. until Goldfinder opened the lower cavern and found Swanner's name, number, and date sooted onto a wall, exactly where Swanner said it would be.

Maybe you should contact a certain attorney in NM that has the original receipts from the US Mint that Doc got for the two gold bars. I think the only reason he is still hanging on to them is because he thinks he can use the receipts to get the same amount of gold from the mint at some point. Maybe he is right but I don't know. I think he doesn't publicly make a big deal about having them because he might think the Noss Family may have a legitimate claim to them.

Maybe there is a guy in NM that shoots professionally that is also a professional photographer. The same guy that originally took pictures of the stacks of gold ingots in situ at VP.

Maybe you should speak to relatives of Benny Samaniego. Maybe they can tell you about how Doc gave Benny the Spanish Armor and bars of gold that Benny used to buy several adjoining lots on which his house was built.

See Autofull, seems like the only one here just reading and drinking the WSMR KoolAid is you.

Like I stated previously........your lack of research on this story seems somewhat lacking.

Best - Mike

nah, you are just angry because people like i disagree with you. i think the uranium version is correct. an author i know well admitted to me that he fabricated most of what he wrote about the peak.. all the peak players are long gone dude, they made up stories that you read and liked . you are of a closed mind, im not. i have researched my butt off in 40yrs and my opinion is, no proof equals no truth. oklahoma pawnshop items to seed the story. oh well, go buy some books and make the vanity press authors happy.

nah, you are just angry because people like i disagree with you. i think the uranium version is correct. an author i know well admitted to me that he fabricated most of what he wrote about the peak.. all the peak players are long gone dude, they made up stories that you read and liked . you are of a closed mind, im not. i have researched my butt off in 40yrs and my opinion is, no proof equals no truth. oklahoma pawnshop items to seed the story. oh well, go buy some books and make the vanity press authors happy.

Of course, I tend to side with autofull for the most part. Noss was demonstrably a lying, self-serving life-long sociopathic criminal who likely got his hands on some copper bars in the Caballos (possibly killing someone to do it) and attempted to parlay the scam until his karma finally caught up with him. Those bars were 70-80% copper with a little gold and silver, almost certainly originating from Santa Rita del Cobre. His family’s published assays prove it. His buddy Willie was along for the ride until he decided to vamoose to CA and change his name. He married a rich woman there and wrote a book about ETs helping him find gold.

Never has a photo been shown of the VP cache, strange considering this would seem a likely souvenir and would help validate the claims of the many who say they saw it. All of the “I was there” testimony concerning VP is, essentially, whiskey talk separated by many degrees from the events of the day. Noss’s VP confidant, who was essentially a spy for the government, admitted there was never any proof of a cache except for the copper bars Noss tried to sell to suckers. IMO, the government’s extended efforts at VP after Noss’s death was simply a laundering scheme to fence WWII ill-gotten plunder from Europe, using Noss’s wild tales as a perfect cover story.

Most historical events are not at all what people believe. A narrative is sold and most people buy in early. I’ve debated Mike at length on this topic and others and I guess we agree to disagree. He’s extremely knowledgable and presents a good case, but the VP narrative is full of holes, IMO, and can’t be sufficiently verified.

I read the story 40 years ago in high school, "100 tons of gold", and LOVED that book and story.
Could not understand how one might think that blasting a tight passageway deep in a mountain is going to open it up.
You have a way in and out, it's hard....but you are bringing out a fortune.
Naw, not fast enough, lets put some dynamite down there and see what happens.
Crap, plugged the hole.
I still want to believe, but that one little snag bugs me. Looking back with my 55 year old brain, it looks a little like a great way to sell a story to investors.
I'm still on your side, Gollum, just wondering.....

nah, you are just angry because people like i disagree with you. i think the uranium version is correct. an author i know well admitted to me that he fabricated most of what he wrote about the peak.. all the peak players are long gone dude, they made up stories that you read and liked . you are of a closed mind, im not. i have researched my butt off in 40yrs and my opinion is, no proof equals no truth. oklahoma pawnshop items to seed the story. oh well, go buy some books and make the vanity press authors happy.

Interesting. Gone is the fake victimization after getting called out on it. Now, I'm DUDE! HAHAHA Like, no way bruh! I'm not mad at you at all. You haven't said or done anything to me to get my back up. Like I said, I completely understand why people would be skeptical about 99% of the treasure stories floating around. Anybody that takes anything they read as 100% factual without doing research is a fool.

Willie's story is backed up a lot by Margaret Perrone. In an interview, she stated "I will go to my grave knowing that Willie Douthitt murdered Jack Reynolds (for his map)." Granted, Willie would never admit to even knowing anything about Jack Reynolds, but the JR part of his story is verified by several sources. Also, right after Willie found his cave, he came down to a group of cowboys on the Holden Ranch, and threw a bar at their feet, because they had been teasing him. Also, the fact that Willie had a seemingly never ending source of refined gold bars is beyond argument. I know his part of the story better than almost any other part.


Doc had more than one source of gold bars. The bars from under VP as he described them sounded like dore bars. He also estimated there were about 1700 of them to Ova. There are testimonials and photographs from people that got gold bars from Doc that they were actual gold ingots............lest we forget Benny Samaniego! Also, maybe you should contact the NM Attorney that currently has the US Mint receipts? Right now he may be on vacation as he is a tax attorney and its still April. LOL


See, you THINK the Uranium version is true. You say you have researched your butt off for forty years..............but you haven't spoken nor corresponded with the families of Capt. Swanner, Benny Samaniego, Tony Jolley, or any of the other people who witnessed the gold ingots or dore bars. How much research have you actually done? Doesn't sound like much. Did you just read the WSMR Version and satisfied yourself it was true? I remember what you told me about THAT author. But dont forget, there was another author who was attached. The author of the piece that Jeff of PA posted at the beginning of this thread. His history with this subject goes back to the early nineties. I know him, and speaking to him is what caused me to contact living witnesses and families of dead ones. Also, the work of THAT author is HEAVILY referenced and footnoted. I don't have to take something somebody wrote as gospel. I can check references and footnotes, State Police records, etc.

Like I said, I don't get mad at anybody for being ignorant of facts. I do my best to educate, and if you are stuck in reverse, then all I can do is wish you the best and move on. My positions move from time to time as new information comes in, because my transmission is not stuck in any gear.


Are you saying Doc tried selling Charley Ryan copper bars? HAHAHAHA You should know by now how pitifully ignorant that sounds. You have seen the video testimony of Tony Jolley. Tony helped Doc hide 110 of the approximately 300 gold bars from VP the night before Doc was murdered. Tony stated with ZERO EQUIVOCATION that after several years of searching, he found one cache of ten ingots he converted to cash. With that cash, he bought the ranch his son inherited after his death.

Best - Mike


That is the short version I posted several years ago. Here is a longer version Terry Carter posted:

This video will answer your idea about Doc having copper or brass bars

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au, go;llum is essentialy right. There is no need to drill Mt for uranium, we have instruments for detecting Uranium. Besides those bars were ,Dore' bars. that , came from the Tayopa mines in Mexico. They were waiting for a Jesuit ship to land near Mattamoros. I have the map showing this Golly is essentially correct.

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Same old narrative. Been over it numerous times - the old threads are bursting at the seams with it. Rinse and repeat. None of us was there, none of us knows for sure. There is no indisputable evidence, only talk and “testimony”, like WMD’s. The burden is on the claimant, and it’s a dead duck, except for the true believers. Maybe the next round of books will reveal some shocking truth.

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