Debunking My LDM Discovery

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1: You've never been in the Superstition Mountains at all.
2: Instead of answering questions logically asked of you, you start ranting and raving.
3: You are trying to get Life Magazine to pay you $120,000,00 for your story. Good luck with that.
4: You have no Gold ore to substantiate your claims.
5: You found it using Google Earth and the Stone Maps, neither of which have anything to do with the LDM.
6: You posted all over the internet about your "find".

djui5 said:
1: You've never been in the Superstition Mountains at all.
2: Instead of answering questions logically asked of you, you start ranting and raving.
3: You are trying to get Life Magazine to pay you $120,000,00 for your story. Good luck with that.
4: You have no Gold ore to substantiate your claims.
5: You found it using Google Earth and the Stone Maps, neither of which have anything to do with the LDM.
6: You posted all over the internet about your "find".

+1 :thumbsup:



SWR said:
Discovery would imply something has actually been recovered, and identified.

There is nothing here to debunk. I'll just move along until something is actually presented to debunk.

It's merely a plea for attention. Wannabe won't. Sad, really. Hopefully it will end soon.

Verb 1. debunk - expose while ridiculing; especially of pretentious or false claims and ideas; "The physicist debunked the psychic's claims"

Consider yourself Debunked without proof or knowledge.

I think that after reading your threads the root of your claims can be better found in this tome:

djui5 said:
1: You've never been in the Superstition Mountains at all.
2: Instead of answering questions logically asked of you, you start ranting and raving.
3: You are trying to get Life Magazine to pay you $120,000,00 for your story. Good luck with that.
4: You have no Gold ore to substantiate your claims.
5: You found it using Google Earth and the Stone Maps, neither of which have anything to do with the LDM.
6: You posted all over the internet about your "find".

+2 :notworthy:

OK Folks Google Obviously Doesn't Play Any Games, """"Debunking Google Earth Discoverys"""" Whatsoever. They Are Very Correct Accurate Timely and Credible Indeed. """"Google dismisses 'Atlantis find' Instantly"""" and 'Out right' While Google's mapping program is turning up many formerly hidden objects, a lost city under the sea isn't one of them, Google Rejects 'Atlantis' Discovery immediately, says a company spokesperson.
But Google says the undersea grid lines spotted by aeronautical engineer Bernie Bamford while browsing Google Earth's ocean maps are data artifacts rather than sunken streets. Google shot down the Atlantis suggestion.

What users are seeing is an artifact of the data collection process," a Google spokesperson said in an e-mailed statement. "Bathymetric (or sea-floor terrain) data is often collected from boats using sonar to take measurements of the sea floor. The lines reflect the path of the boat as it gathers the data. The fact that there are blank spots between each of these lines is a sign of how little we really know about the world's oceans."

Although Google's explanation effectively rebuts The Sun's story, the growing importance of geospatial applications like Google Earth and Google Maps for scientific, cultural, social, and security endeavors shouldn't be discounted.

Thanks to the widespread access to satellite imagery made possible by tools like Google Earth, people have discovered new species, hidden marijuana fields, a suspected shipwreck site, and an old Roman villa. And they're using geo-applications to protect human rights and the environment, and locate Chinese submarines.

As one of Google's attorneys observed last year in the company's recently successful motion to dismiss an invasion-of-privacy lawsuit, "Today's satellite-image technology means that even in today's desert, complete privacy does not exist."

So How Bout Dem Apples? Sincerely John V. Kemm


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You have to pay good money for good satellite imagery. The Google pics are OK for Grandma's amusement, but not high enough resolution or layering-capable for anything beyond that. You may be excited, but the pros aren't.

good morning SFNM: As an example to back your claim, you posted -->Google shot down the Atlantis suggestion
Hmm, apparently not, we, in here 'did' discover it, it is just about where legend places it and of the proper configuration, size. We also established the probable reason for it's sudden disappearance. It was located at the conjunction of the three continental plates, the North American , Eurasian, and the African. Probably one of the most active seismic centers on the world..

Here are a few pictures of our mutual discovery..

So yes, google does have it's uses, but not for precisely locating the LDM, particular in using the horizontal versions, there are simply too many distorsions involved, i.e. a flattening of the spatial view.

As an example, I know precisely where Tayopa lies, yet using Google's tilt factor it is almost impossible to recognize the area. This feature is basically for entertainment.

So most of the gentlemen's posts are correct.

Don Jose de La Mancha


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its plain and simple,if you know where its at.
show some proof
if you can;t .
you really need to shut up

DONNA WHO ??? LDMA? :o lol
its plain and simple,if you know where its at. "or where it isnt"
show some proof
if you can;t .
((((you really need to shut up))))
donna Aaaahhheeeemmmm! EXCUSE ME- :coffee2: If you or any one """"can't debunk 0r prove that i didnt find it The LDM or solved the Peralta Maps"""", then its You or people who share your view, Who Need to zip it! """"((((DEBUNK ME))))"""" But You Cant> "Prove that i did not find the Ldm" "please" call my Attorney, Call Google earth, call President Obama. """"((((Or accept it.))))"""" It has been one whole year since my discovery, and 'no one' not anyone, has proved me wrong! SOOOOO IM ABSOLUTELY RIGHT! :thumbsup: :coffee2: PS. Sorry about the lawsuit thats going to take place against the LDMA Donna Sorry. Sincerely John V. Kemm

Santa Fe NM wrote
If you or any one """"can't debunk 0r prove that i didnt find it The LDM or solved the Peralta Maps"""", then its You or people who share your view, Who Need to zip it!

You are ignoring the most important point John; The Lost Dutchman mine is a lost GOLD mine; the KEY evidence to prove that you or anyone else has in fact found it, is going to be...<insert drum roll here ;D> GOLD. The ore from the mine is the only thing that will prove, scientifically, that the mine has in fact been found. Your whole stance of "prove I didn't" is rather silly amigo, if you want us to believe that you found the Lost Dutchman GOLD mine, then get some of the ore and have a geologist compare it with the known specimens. The matter will then be settled. Otherwise, anyone can just SAY they found the Lost Dutchman and have nothing to prove it. Can you prove that I haven't found the Lost Dutchman mine amigo? Do you see now?

Good luck and good hunting to you all, I hope you find the treasures that you seek. :thumbsup:


:coffee2: :coffee: :coffee2:

always lost said:

but is there a clear sample of LDM gold to match it to ..if so who has it and who will assay a sample to match them .. and thats not really true . sorry to be holding back so much . but i do have prof this is the real LDM .

Sure is amigo, the matchbox being the most famous example <there are others> but if someone does come forward with an ore sample to compare, it will be an easy task to arrange for a geologist to do the comparison. First you need that ore however. :thumbsup:

So you do have proof this is the real LDM? Well, we are all waiting to see some - and please, don't post the actual location. Thank you in advance,

ORO WROTE and please, don't post the actual location. What difference would it make? <PLEASE EXPLAIN IN DETAIL> :coffee2:


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always lost said:
you guys dont under stand , i just wanted to brake the code and find it .. i dont value money in my life ..i live a good life and i just dont want to get shot over what i found .. yes i have prof it is in fact the LDM ...

so your saying no one has ever link the stones directly to the supers ... till now !

I don't agree with you on the value of money, without it life is fairly tough. I also have to respectfully disagree with your last statement, that is NOT what I am saying; LOTS of people link the Peralta stones to the Superstitions, including several of our mutual amigos here - what I said is that I do not see anything that absolutely ties the Peralta stones to the Superstitions, much less to the Lost Dutchman gold mine. Big difference. :o

Santa Fe NM wrote
What difference would it make? <PLEASE EXPLAIN IN DETAIL>

I already did. You on the other hand, have been broadcasting your 'discovery' just about everywhere on the internet, and can't seem to get anyone interested enough to make that hike in to see it. Don't you wonder why that is? Are you thinking it is a case of "sour grapes"? I would suggest that you research the real history of Bluff Springs mountain, where you would learn that there are a number of old prospect holes dug by earlier Dutch hunters, but I strongly doubt that you would do so. Have you been out to look at what you saw on Google Earth? What did you see? Did you find gold ore? Did you find a cache of ore? Or have you not even bothered to go and check? You don't have to answer my questions, I can guess what the answers really are.

Ok Folks This Is Part Of My Discovery. I hope you all can Appreciate.


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ESTA BEREDA ES PELIGROZA/This path is dangerous #1. Yo Pasto Yo Boy 18 Lugares/Go past I go to 18 paces #2. Al norte Busca El mapa/Search the map north. #3. Del rio busca el coazon/ Search for the heart of the river or the source. El Cobollo de santafe 33 degrees East. So When the Horse meets the Priest this is How it comes together and translates.

This just gets more and more bizarre and hilarious every day :).

BB - I'm at an absolute and utter loss as to understand what it is you WANT out of finding the LDM????????

In one post you mention how you won't give out any information or proof you have that will convince us you've found the LDM because you want to make sure you have a legal claim to it and can either work it yourself or have a company work it for you - you don't want the government to come in and take it. That's a PERFECTLY REASONABLE ARGUMENT TO ALL TREASURE HUNTERS HERE...

Less than a day later you say you have no interest in the money at all that you just wanted to break the code and find it.

Well, it's VERY CLEAR that you have broken the code and found it - at least to you since you are 100% convinced - so that CAN'T BE your real motivation right - that's an outright logical fact right?

So what is it you really want?? You're either lying for some reason and you DO INDEED want the money, or you just want the public recognition - there's no other answer is there??

Based on your posts here over the past few years, I strongly suspect you have an OVERWHELMING NEED to be praised and held in high regard by the general public - might that be right?

As far as going out there and getting ore samples to prove you've found the LDM - There are A MULTITUDE of ways to get out there without getting killed - the first of which is to be prepared. You claim to have an IQ that can't be measured, but you can't figure out a way to get an ore sample from a mine you can look right into and see the gold???

Oh, and one last thing.... ANYONE who truly has an interest in the LDM knows EXACTLY who to go to and how to get an ore sample to compare to one they've found to prove they match. And if you don't know how to get that, you've not researched enough. Heck, I've only really been studying the stories and learning what I can about the LDM for 3 years, and I know at least 3 people who I would get ahold of one way or another to help me prove what I'd found. How are you not able to figure that out if you can break the Stone Maps code???

There's something wrong with this picture imho, and most of us are pretty sure we know what it is... :tongue3:

Cubfan64 said:
This just gets more and more bizarre and hilarious every day :).

I'm at an absolute and utter loss as to understand what it is you WANT out of finding the LDM???????.....

IMHO (of course I could be wrong) they only want your responses to their inane posts on this forum - the more inane, the more responses they get. The LDM is the bus they ride to lala land, waving out the windows hoping for people on the curb to wave back at them. Any one here remember Ken Kesey?

DONNA WHO ??? LDMA? :o lol
its plain and simple,if you know where its at. "or where it isnt"
show some proof
if you can;t .
((((you really need to shut up))))
donna Aaaahhheeeemmmm! EXCUSE ME- :coffee2: If you or any one """"can't debunk 0r prove that i didnt find it The LDM or solved the Peralta Maps"""", then its You or people who share your view, Who Need to zip it! """"((((DEBUNK ME))))"""" But You Cant> "Prove that i did not find the Ldm" "please" call my Attorney, Call Google earth, call President Obama. """"((((Or accept it.))))"""" It has been one whole year since my discovery, and 'no one' not anyone, has proved me wrong! SOOOOO IM ABSOLUTELY RIGHT! :thumbsup: :coffee2: PS. Sorry about the lawsuit thats going to take place against the LDMA Donna Sorry. Sincerely John V. Kemm

i have no idel who the ldma is , and don't really care who it is.
your the one who say thay found are the one who has to prove it!!!!!
i don't have to debunk anything.if you really found it ,u would have some proof.

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