Charlie Daniels? Was he part of TN?


Silver Member
Aug 17, 2006
I have been totally amazed at Old Dogs post, along with many others. :) So when I heard Charlie Daniels song tonight, My beautiful America, I thought of so many of you folks. I could spend all night telling who from what state. But......I'm going to let you do it. Pick the best picture yyou have that fits a piece of the song, lets see how many we get. Duplicate states or images are more than welcome. Let's see the BEST of America! :)

Have you ever spent the late afternoon
watching the purple shadows deepen in Arizona desert?
Or seen a herd of Elk plow their way
through waist deep snow on a cold Colorado dome?
Did you ever see the sun go down in Hawaii,
Or seen the stormy waves break over the rock bound coast of Maine?
Or have you ever see an eagle fly up out of the mists of Alaska?
Or a big October moon hanging full over the still Dakota badlands?

Have you ever tasted the gumbo in New Orleans, Bar-B-Que in Carolina
Or the chicken wings in Buffalo?
Have you ever had Brunswick stew in Macon, or cornbread in Burmingham?
Or brisket slow cooked over hill country mesquite wood?

Did you ever drink the water from a gurgling branch in Utah,
Or, stand on the mountain above El Paso Del Norte
And see the lights twinkling clear over into Mexico?
Did you ever jangle horses in the pre dawn stillness of a perfect Texas day
And watch their shodded hooves kicking up sparks on the volcanic rock?

Or tended a trout line on a foggy Carolina morning,
Or heard the distant song of a lovesick whippoorwill
On a pristine Tenneesee late night?
Have you seen the faces on Mount Rushmore or stood at the Vietnam monument?

Have you ever crossed the mighty Mississippi,
Or been to the daddy of them all in Cheyenne, Wyoming?
Or seen the mighty Vols run out on the football field on a chilly autumn afternoon?

Did you ever see the Chicago skyline from Lake Shore Drive at night?
Or the New England follage in the fall,
Or the summer beauty of the Shenandoah valley,
Or Indiana covered with new snow?

Did you ever seen a herd of wild horses running free
Across the empty spaces in Nevada?
Or, caught a walleyed pike out of a cold Wisconsin stream?
Or ,marveled at the tall ship docked in the harbor at Baltimore?

Did you ever see the early morning dew sparkling on the blue grass,
Or, the wind stir the wheat fields on a hot Kansas afternoon?
Or, driven the lonely stretches of old Route 66?
Have you ever heard the church bells peal their call to worship
On an early Sunday, in some small town in the deep south?

Or pass through the redwood forest just as the sun was going down?
Have you ever been to Boise or Batchlee or Beufort or Billings?
Have you ever passed through Sanford or Suffolk or San Angelo?
Have you ever seen the falls at Nigara?
The ice palace in Saint Paul?
Or the Gateway to the west?

This then is America!
The land God blesses with everything
And no Effel Tower: no Taj Mahal;
No Alps; No Andes;
No native hut; nor Royal Palace -
Can rival her awesome beauty,
Her diverse poplulation, her monolithic majesty.
America the Free !
America the mighty!
America the beautiful !
I pledge alligence to the flag of the United States of America
And to the republic for which it stands
One Nation Under God indivisible
with liberty and justice for all!

I'll take New England follage in the fall. God bless America!


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This isn't my best picture but it is a Walleye from Wisconsin........Caught this winter by SV.



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I took pictures of new jersey but the toxic mess here melted the film Its a crying shame that the state that calles itself the Garden State is know in circles as the Garbage State in my city alone there are 6 superfund sites

time to move back to my beloved new england or down south

Billings MO


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Home Sweet Home. Northwestern, Pennsylvania


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Shrimp & Crab Gumbo @ NOLA​

And 3 from me....

First one is my buddy Charlie..he loves the snow!
# 2 is the RockHouse Historical natural archway in Creelsboro Cumberland Co. Kentucky
# 3 another one from Ky..fresh Ky morning.
I know I live in Indy !! :happy3:


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SV, awesome Walleye.

Gypsy, I love the old with the new really adds to the thread, thanks.

Ahhh Bill, hurry home! :tongue3:

Lisa awesome country!

River, aweome gumbo, I was wondering if we would get that one.

Granny, I though this would be a fun thread, I really thought of so many of you when I heard the song.

Always, the Kentucky pictures are jut great, your buddy Charlie is a perfect addition.

Let's see how many lines of the song we can fill.

Stoddard Image of Comet Hale-Bopp


Observer: Paul Stoddard
Location: Katz Park, DeKalb, Illinois
Date: March 26, 1997 02:00 UT

Saline river in Arkansas. I own it :laughing7:. ..d2


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"Nuf said!

"Or seen the mighty Vols run out on the football field on a chilly autumn afternoon?"

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It's Football time in Tennessee!


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River Rat said:
Two of my classmate's names are here, a few other locals from my area On my second trip I got etching of the names, one name I could not reach. Someone went to the back up on the grass and leaned down to get the etching, it was a military function I was on, when I got back to the bus, I was crying uncontrollably. My pictures are stored away, taken at night in the snow.

Picture 001.jpg

I also have friends names on 'The Wall', one is LT. Sam Bird, (He was in charge of the Kennedy Pallbearers).
After I came home, & his tour with 'The Old Guard' was over, on his second tour in Vietnam, he was shot up in a Helicopter, just a few days before he was to go home.
He returned home, married his High school sweetheart, but lived in great pain until his death several years later, a buddy wrote a story for the Readers Digest about him it is called (The Courage Of Sam Bird), I am saving the book for my children.
The other name is John Finch, a buddy for about a year, then he volunteered, & was killed on his first mission, (he had an identical twin in another company).
I had the Honor of marching beside the 'Cassion', as we took him to Arlington Cemetary, we folded the flag & gave it to the next of kin, that was one of my 'saddest days ever', & the playing of 'Taps', always takes me back.
Let us never forget our 'Heroes', GOD BLESS AMERICA.


My first trip to the wall was during the dedication; my second trip many years later during a military function in DC; I was able to get etching of the names, one name I could not reach. Someone went to the back up on the grass and laid down on the wet ground to get the etching, when I got back to the bus, I was crying uncontrollably. Two of my classmates' names are there, Elton was killed 2 months after we graduated; Carl who graduated before me was killed a few months later. The other name, is the brother-in-law of a dear friend of mine. Donald was killed by sniper fire the 1st day in Nam, he was only 18.

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vietnam wall visit (3).jpg

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