Anybody watching the Toilet...uh Super Bowl on Sunday?

That's a no. I don't watch any sports anymore. I have better things to do with my time than sit around and watch the tv.

Believe it or not I will watch the Super Bowl..

To see who wins in the Best commercial category.


about the only way i'll watch is if I am stuck in the house due to bad weather then i'll watch only if I cant find anything else to do inside , the older I get the less sports interest me

I'm a vet, I haven't watched a second of the NFL on any format since first knee hit the turf and I want watch it again till NFL addresses the issue.

I watched nothing but college and high school football this year and enjoyed watching players who play just for the fun of the game.

Ditto for me. They have the right as American to protect what ever they want, and with their wealth and popularity they could probably get some things changed, but to disrespect the National Anthem is unacceptable.

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#metoo Oh wait, that's something else ??? This country gets crazier everyday. No courts for justice anymore, just trial by media

#metoo Oh wait, that's something else ??? This country gets crazier everyday. No courts for justice anymore, just trial by media

“They” are all in this together. I’m tired of all the lies out in the world accepted as fact instead of crap.

They only piece of mind I get is when I am out at a site all by myself swinging my coil and enjoying all of God’s Creation.

If it's not raining i will be swinging till my arm falls off. They can put the stupid bowl where the sun don't shine!

Wife and I used to watch but not anymore. Used to have a big Super Bowl Party every year, but not anymore. As I get older I have limits on what I will be a fanatic(aka. "fan") about anymore. We choose to be fanatics about Our Country, Truth, Justice, our Military & Police, Equality, Common Sense, and similar things. No more being a fanatic about grown men throwing toy balls, catching toy balls, or kicking toy balls through toy goalposts. Grown men dressed in costumes and uniforms of mythical creatures, or beasts of the jungles and forests "lions and tigers and bears oh my ! Lions and tigers and bears oh my !!, Lions and tigers and bears oh my!!! LOL

When it happens at this level what will you do?

I will Drop football altogether. It very may well have a trickle affect. If it does..I have done just fine without the nfl and would do likewise with any other organization that blatantly disrespects our country and our veterans.

You complain about the NFL, but then state that you watch college football. You do know that college football is totally corrupt, don't you? Colleges give recruits new sports cars, party girls and cash to entice them to attend their schools. Plus, they pay the coaches millions of dollars a year, which I view as vile and disgusting.

I'm a huge Patriots fan. As far as I know, none of the key members of the team has ever taken a knee during the national anthem. But if they did, well that's their stupidity and has nothing to do with the game. What players do off the field or before a game is none of my business. Don't care what their political beliefs are or who they're shacking up with. It's just entertainment to me, no more and no less.


That's fine and we'll said. I'm soon to be 62 years old. I was born at night....just not last night. Yes, college football is and has been corrupt, but overall the players at least are halfway respectful. After all, a lot of these players are aspiring to break into the pro's. It's a shame, I like Tom Brady and the Patriots too, but they are a part of the NFL. It is indeed entertainment as you stated.....just entertainment that I do without (personal choice).

A lot of good posts here. Thanks for your input. It is good to not feel like the Lone Ranger.

That's a no. I don't watch any sports anymore. I have better things to do with my time than sit around and watch the tv.

Thanks, and "Semper Fi."

That dropping to a knee business was what ruined things and I will never watch. I do how ever drop to one knee often but it is during the recovery of a great find.

I have better, more worthwhile things to do. 😐

You complain about the NFL, but then state that you watch college football. You do know that college football is totally corrupt, don't you? Colleges give recruits new sports cars, party girls and cash to entice them to attend their schools. Plus, they pay the coaches millions of dollars a year, which I view as vile and disgusting.

I'm a huge Patriots fan. As far as I know, none of the key members of the team has ever taken a knee during the national anthem. But if they did, well that's their stupidity and has nothing to do with the game. What players do off the field or before a game is none of my business. Don't care what their political beliefs are or who they're shacking up with. It's just entertainment to me, no more and no less.


Did you serve, have you ever had a friend or family member who served who came home under our flag? If you had you would probably feel different.

Sports cars, girls, cash has nothing to do with kneeling and disrespecting our National Anthem, flag and military.

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