Have a look at these sprinkler heads. The fusible link is made of two pieces of metal soldered together. The solder is made to melt at its specific melting point. When that point is exceeded then the two pieces separate and allow the valve to open.
It looks like you have one of those two pieces.
impressive ID!https://www.reliablesprinkler.com/100-2/
Have a look at these sprinkler heads. The fusible link is made of two pieces of metal soldered together. The solder is made to melt at its specific melting point. When that point is exceeded then the two pieces separate and allow the valve to open.
It looks like you have one of those two pieces.
View attachment 1859157
Have a look at these sprinkler heads. The fusible link is made of two pieces of metal soldered together. The solder is made to melt at its specific melting point. When that point is exceeded then the two pieces separate and allow the valve to open.
It looks like you have one of those two pieces.
View attachment 1859157
Amazing IDing indeed. That’s why I’m a big fan of this website.
This picture was sent to me by Jeff Suleski a knowledgeable man in the field