Yet Another Anti-Gun Democrat May Face Recall Election in Colorado


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Mar 3, 2013
SW, VA - Bull Mountain
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Yet Another Anti-Gun Democrat May Face Recall Election in Colorado ? This Time, Control of the Senate Is at Stake |

Fed-up Colorado residents voted to recall Democratic state Sens. John Morse and Angela Giron last month, leaving Democrats with a single-seat majority in the Senate. Unfortunately for the Democrats, it isn’t over.

Volunteers in the state are currently working to get enough signatures to force a recall vote on anti-gun Democrat Sen. Evie Hudak. This time, a successful recall could potentially mean shifting control of the Colorado Senate to Republicans.

One of the men behind the renewed recall effort, Mike McAlpine, said the initiative isn’t just about gun control, it’s also about making sure the people are represented.

“We’re not being heard. We have legislation without any real representation,” McAlpine said.

Voters unsuccessfully attempted to recall Hudak earlier this year, but after the recalls of her two Democratic colleagues over their gun control votes, her opponents are even more confident the second attempt will be different.

Hudak has also recently made some political missteps that certainly will not work to her advantage.

At a gun control hearing in March, Hudak told rape survivor Amanda Collins that “statistics are not on your side, even if you had a gun.” She also told the rape survivor “if you had had a gun, then he would have been able to get that from you and possibly use it against you.”

Her comments garnered national media attention and wreaked havoc on Hudak’s political career.

“Hudak won re-election to the seat last year by about 580 votes in a a three-way race that featured a Libertarian who likely drew votes from her Republican challenger,” the Denver Post reports.

Responding to the recall effort being mounted against her, Hudak said she “voted the way I believe my constituents wanted.”

Hudak’s critics need to get about 18,900 valid signatures to the secretary of state’s office by Dec. 3 in order to force a recall vote.

when you do as "you" want rather than as "the people want" --we the people WILL make you unemployed .

when you do as "you" want rather than as "the people want" --we the people WILL make you unemployed .
Yup...any luck at all, it will be "back to the carwash" for her.

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