Calabash Digger
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Good video man...keep it up.That chatter is exactly how the Deus sounded in my soil...drove me bonkers at some sites. Only setting the silencer at 2 and disc under 85 would help...lower frequencies made it much worse. Still hit 9 inch pennies at 2-3 silencer. So grain of salt is needed with all the "silencer kills depth" talk going around some forums....."effects depth" would be more accurate. Kills depth?...No...
This video actually helps give me more confidence in my likely T2 purchase coming up. I personally love the First Texas beeps and was not a fan of full tones on the XP (sacrilege I know). The ear/brain fatigue was just too much for me. Also something to note is that the Deus can be adjusted to sound exactly like a T2. (you mention at like 4:45 of the video) Not that you would want to CD....but info for others if they wanted.
Thought the T2 did pretty well in this video. Great speed not many people (if any) swing a coil that fast in the field.
I personally love the First Texas beeps and was not a fan of full tones on the XP (sacrilege I know). The ear/brain fatigue was just too much for me.
You sure you were not hearing the t2 chatter the deus was running WAY quieter than the t2.If anyone swings a coil that fast their flash gordons cousin.
Although the feature that allows you to assign tone frequencies and break points is great...comparing that with full tones is like comparing an ATP in standard mode vs. pro zero. To me you are missing a lot of information, especially in trashy sites. Break points and assigned tones are simply categorized dig or no dig indicators. Full tones tells you so much more about a target. As you know the problem is some types of trash ring up in desirable ranges. I actually played around with 5 tones and break points and compared it to full tones. In 5 tones I came across a target that rang up beautifully...a definite dig, I then switched to full tones to check it, and called "trash"...dug it up to check and it was trash. That's my experience anyway.