I have had my X-Terra 70 for 3 years now,and its a fun machine.....Last year I only hunted a few times,and noticed it started acting wierd.....On advice of a new hunting buddies ,I ordered an Etrac,and finnished 2008 finding some nice silvers with it...............I sent my Xterra 70 in to Minelab in January for some warranty repairs,and got it back in early February with a new board ,and new faceplate,,,,looks like they did a fine repair job,but I will have to give it a test spin for a while today..........I think of the 7 machines I still have.......The only two I will not sell will be my Main squeeze (E-Trac)
& my back up (X-Terra 70) The 70 is killer on Gold,and Silver, is MUCH better on small gold (Nuggets) than the E-Trac.
That is the reason it's my #2...
........................................................But You MUST order one of the DD coils for best opperation for here in the Midwest....DD will go much deeper than the standard 7.5 Khz or other standard coils.....I have the standard 3 Khz, the standard 7.5 khz,and the dd HF coil (my Fav)...If you use pattern #1,and tweak it by accepting the 4th and last bar...(Only blocking out the 1st three bars on the left -8,-6,-4---which are Iron) And do not dig the last bar...which is bottle caps or large Iron..........and only dig that 4th accepted bar, -2 if it is a faint [shallow signal] {likey to be small gold}( if it is deeper or loader it is most certainly a small nail).........also +2 is likely foil,unless it is a faint and shallow signal.......................................................................................
................................If you loose your target...........switch to the prospecting mode to find it...........................................
.............................................If you have been having trouble adjusting to multi (99) tones....Quit using them...(they are not nearly as good or dependable as the Explorers,or E-Tracs multi tones......................Just choose from 1,2,3, or 4 tones......
I use 3 tones,,,,,,,,,,and if there are alot of zinkolns around I go to the 4 tones....................
ALSO..................I seldom dig # 30 (zinc cent) or #28,& #32 unless 6" or deeper (unless you are at an OLD sidewalk tear out where Indians can be found.............# 12 is dependably a possible nickle,#36,#38,over 6" is a possible dime,and I dig some #38,and all #40,#42,#44,#46,,,,,,and a few #48,,,,only on an OLD Sidewalk tear out when the #48 is less than 6",and doesn't bounce more than one #.................If a Target bounces from #38-#42-#40.......It is still OK to dig....But in my experience,if it bounces more than 2 spaces.....It's almost always junk..........................................
Good Luck ..........Hope that helped some., Dave