WWII Vets no, Illegal Immigrants yes??


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Jul 27, 2006
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So men who fought for this country are denied entry to their WWII Monument, but illegal immigrants who violated our laws are allowed to march on National Mall? :banghead:

Immigration rally allowed on Mall despite shutdown

WASHINGTON — A week after World War II veterans struggled to gain access to a memorial on the National Mall due to the government's partial shutdown, thousands of people pushing for a new immigration law have been cleared by the government to proceed with a concert and rally Tuesday on the Mall.

The march, dubbed the "Camino Americano", or "American Road," is hosted by groups including the Service Employees International Union and Casa de Maryland. The rally will feature speeches by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and other members of Congress. Another highlight will be a concert by the Mexican band Los Tigres del Norte.

The concert is the punctuation mark on a series of demonstrations that included more than 100 rallies around the country on Saturday to push Congress to adopt an immigration law that would allow the nation's 12 million undocumented immigrants the ability to apply for U.S. citizenship.

After seeing a group of veterans forced to move aside barriers to access the World War II Memorial last week, some are upset over what they see as the Obama administration giving preferential treatment to a group pushing for one his biggest legislative priorities.

"It's bad enough watching these marches when we watch illegal aliens breaking our laws. Now they're being given free range on these public parks while we've seen the greatest generation military vets being turned away from their sacred memorials," said Bob Dane, a spokesman for the Federation for American Immigration Reform, a group that opposes proposals in Congress to legalize the nation's undocumented immigrants. "It's offensive and it shows where their loyalties lie."

Susana Flores of Casa de Maryland, a community organization that assists immigrants and helped organize Tuesday's rally, said they were given clearance for the rally by the National Parks Service based on First Amendment grounds. National Parks Service spokesman Mike Litterst confirmed that the march will go on.

"Under the same First Amendment rights that are allowing Honor Flight veterans and their families to visit the veterans memorials on the National Mall, other groups will be granted access to the park for First Amendment activities in accordance with National Park Service established regulations," Litterst said in a statement.

Immigration rally allowed on Mall despite shutdown

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I saw this article today, they arrested 8 Democrat House members, but let all the illegal aliens go free(well maybe not all, a few might have got caught up in it).
Pretty clear here, who ain't worried about, the already existing tax-paying citizen.
Don't know how they feel about our Vets.
The comments on most these articles, are usually better, than the articles!

Police arrest 8 House members at immigration rally

WASHINGTON (AP) — At least eight Democratic members of the House were among about 200 people arrested Tuesday after they blocked a main street near the Capitol during a massive rally seeking to push Republicans to hold a vote on a stalled immigration reform bill.

Police would not identify those arrested. Representatives of the social policy organization Center for Community Change and The Associated Press witnessed the arrests of Reps. John Lewis, D-Ga.; Luis Gutiérrez, D-Ill.; Raúl Grijalva, D-Ariz.; Keith Ellison, D-Minn.; Joseph Crowley and Charles Rangel, both D-N.Y.; Al Green, D-Texas; and Jan Schakowsky, D-Ill.,

Representatives of other groups whose members attended the rally, such as United Farm Workers and Farmworker Justice, confirmed that several of their members were arrested as well.

Those arrested will be charged with "crowding, obstructing and incommoding" under the local laws of the District of Columbia, the Capitol Police said. The arrests began about 4 p.m. EDT and had ended two hours later, police said in a statement.

Before being arrested, Gutiérrez said he planned the act of civil disobedience "so the speaker of the House can free Congress and finally pass immigration reform."

The rally took place after the six-time Grammy winners Los Tigres del Norte performed at the National Mall during a show in which the Mexican band dedicated each song to the estimated 11 million immigrants living in the United States illegally.

Prospects for passage of a comprehensive immigration bill appear dim. A bill passed by the Democratic-controlled Senate and backed by the White House includes billions of dollars for border security as well as a 13-year path to citizenship for those already in the U.S. illegally.

It's unclear whether the GOP-dominated House will ever pass legislation that could form the basis for a final deal with the Senate. Most House Republicans have rejected this comprehensive approach, and the House Judiciary Committee has moved forward with individual, single-issue immigration bills that could come to the floor sometime later this year or next.

Citing the demonstration, the White House issued a statement calling for the House to take up the immigration bill.

"The enthusiastic demonstration of support for immigration reform this week has proven to Congress that the broad coalition behind commonsense solutions to our nation's broken immigration laws is as strong as it has ever been," according to the statement from press secretary Jay Carney. "It's time for the House of Representatives to reopen the government, pay their bills and get back to the important work of moving the economy forward."

They know most of the WWll vets would vote Republican anyway, they are patriots, but getting the Mexican vote can win the next election for them despite Hillary's and the rest of those fool's Benghazi snafu.

They know most of the WWll vets would vote Republican anyway, they are patriots, but getting the Mexican vote can win the next election for them despite Hillary's and the rest of those fool's Benghazi snafu.
That's all the MORE reason, WE - the American People, have got to come out of the WOODWORK of this country, come next elections!
Might as well start organizing the car-pool, and who all you gonna load up, and take to the next polls!
The next election can not be one of complacency, waiting to see what everyone else does, or what happens.
WE are going to have to make it happen!

That's all the MORE reason, WE - the American People, have got to come out of the WOODWORK of this country, come next elections!
Might as well start organizing the car-pool, and who all you gonna load up, and take to the next polls!
The next election can not be one of complacency, waiting to see what everyone else does, or what happens.
WE are going to have to make it happen!

You said the magic word. Minorities are active as I type registering people to vote and then they will carpool to get them to the polls. A school district in San Antonio sent voter registration cards home with all their students to sign the parents up. Their excuse was to help pass a bond issue, but obviously elections are elections. Might want to copy that, as you suggest...

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