WWII Vet Assaulted In N. Spokane Die


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2013
SW, VA - Bull Mountain
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CTX, Excal II, EQ800, Fisher 1260X, Tesoro Royal Sabre, Tejon, Garrett ADSIII, Carrot, Stealth 920iX, Keene A52
Primary Interest:



89-Year-Old Wounded WWII Vet Beaten to Death by Two Black Teens

Delbert Belton

WWII veteran Delbert Belton survived being wounded in action during the Battle of Okinawa only to be beaten and left for dead by two teens at the Eagles Lodge in Spokane on Wednesday evening.

Belton, 89, died from the injuries he suffered in the beating Thursday morning at Sacred Heart Medical Center.

Witnesses say the Belton was in the parking lot of the Eagles Lodge at 6410 N. Lidgerwood, adjacent to the Eagles Ice-A-Rena, around 8 p.m. Wednesday when the two male suspects attacked him.

Belton died from his injuries Thursday at Sacred Heart Medical Center.

"Shorty," as he was known by his friends at the Eagles Lodge, served in the U.S. Army in the Pacific during WWII and was shot in the leg during the Battle of Okinawa. He went on to work at Kaiser Aluminum at the company's Trentwood plant for more than 30 years.

He loved playing pool, even though he claimed he was no good at it and had been a member of the Eagles Lodge for the last four months. In addition to playing pool he loved working on cars.

Belton's wife passed away several years ago.

Spokane police are looking for two male suspects in the attack. They said the suspects are African Americans between 16 and 19 years old.

One suspect was described as heavy set and wearing all black clothing. The other was described as being about 6 feet tall and 150 pounds. There was no description of what clothing the second suspect was wearing other than a silk do-rag.

Police investigating the deadly attack on Belton are also working to obtain surveillance footage from the scene.

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That is disgusting beyond words. Total lack of respect and very upsetting. Absolutely heartbreaking.

I just sent a link of this to CNN and asked them to forward to to al sharpton and also to president Obama and I also asked them to relay the message to Obama that this could have been my grandfather. While I am a Democrat I do not agree with the response from Obama on the treyvon case.

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one mile from my house.

I boxed in that Eagles lodge basement when I was a kid.

shorty shoulda been armed.

The 3 need to be hanged in public...... They need to bring back public excutions...

Just think of the SPIN if the Vet had shot the guys :

Vet with PTSD / Kills Aspiring Rapper

All they were trying to do was assist the elderly man with a flashlight to light his way

They're still on the loose, scum. Who beats the hell outa an 89 year old man. I wish he would of pulled out a gun and sent them a-hole's to hell.

Citiboy is right though,main stream would of spun it.

Big Time!!!! Racist White war monger kills sweet liitle kids with balloons & skittles found near by. Civil unrest must happen!!!!!!!

Going to put on my stupid hat for a moment here

In The SPRANOS THERE was a term " YOU HAVE TO MAKE YOUR BONES " it ment you had to do a hit before you could move up

Somehow I think all the actions in the past weeks --- The baseball player, The Hot Dog Vendor, The Man set on fire in TN - The Vet , The Nurse in TN , (See Drudge) are all guys making their Bones -----

While It might sound stupid , If its a robbery and someone gets killed , Its main motoviation was to get stuff , NOT RIGHT but has some meaning

These acts are all just killing for killing sake ---- Thats way out there NO other reason than to kill That IS SCARY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe it goes along with this.

Is the Media Covering Up the Beginnings of a Race War?

August 23rd, 2013

No national debate over spate of black on white crimes

(PaulWatsonAlexJones) – Despite engaging in a seemingly endless and racially-charged national debate about the Trayvon Martin case, the US corporate media has shown no interest in reviving this obsession despite a spate of black on white murders, at least two of which indicate a racially-charged hate crime motivation behind the killings.

George Zimmerman’s acquittal last month drew a line under nearly 18 months of hand-wringing over the threat posed to black people by racially-charged hate crimes. Black ideologues like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and others were constantly in the headlines holding up the Trayvon case as a dire warning that African-Americans could now be targeted for murder merely as a result of the color of their skin.

In light of several high profile black on white murders in recent days, the invective has been noticeably less verbose. The most anger Jesse Jackson could muster over the gang-initiation hate crime slaying of Australian student Chris Lane was a tepid tweet stating that the incident should be “frowned upon.”

Lane was slaughtered by a gunshot to the back as part of a gang initiation by three juveniles, an incident which the media initially tried to downplay as “bored teens.” Two of the suspects are black. It subsequently emerged that one of the suspects had posted racist tweets on his account before the murder, stating “90% of white ppl are nasty. #HATE THEM.” Another reads, “Ayeee I knocced out 5 woods since Zimmerman court!.” “Woods” is a racist term for white people.

Barack Obama, who personally inserted himself into the Trayvon Martin case on two separate occasions, was “not familiar” with Lane’s murder, according to the White House.

Meanwhile, in Spokane Washington, 88-year-old World War Two veteran Delbert Belton, who survived being wounded during the Battle of Okinawa, did not survive a brutal beating carried out by two black teens outside a pool hall.

As one respondent to the story remarked, “If this had been 2 white kids beating up an old black dude, it’d be all over the national news by now.”

The story has received local attention but comparatively little national coverage, despite the Drudge Report prominently linking the story. Drudge has consistently highlighted the problem of black on white crime over the last few years and been attacked for doing so.

The national media has also largely ignored what could be the most shocking story out of all three – the apparent “Trayvon-revenge” killing of David Santucci in downtown Memphis by three African-Americans named Mario Patterson, Dondre Johnson and Jerrica Norfleet.

According to Santucci’s brother Miguel De Diago, police are covering up the fact that the murder was a racist hate crime and that Santucci was killed because he was white in revenge for George Zimmerman’s acquittal. Although authorities claim the murder was motivated by robbery, nothing was taken from Santucci, he still had his wallet, keys and cell phone on him after being shot dead.

These three murders all occurred within the last two weeks, but the press attention they have received in comparison to the Trayvon case has been virtually non-existent.

Trayvon Martin supporters have made the claim that these murders have not sparked a national debate because the culprits were arrested and charged, unlike George Zimmerman who was initially released.

However, this misses the point entirely. During Zimmerman’s trial, no racially-based motivation for the shooting was uncovered, yet a national debate about race ensued. In at least two of these cases, there are clear indications that two white men were indeed the victims of racist hate crime, yet the outrage has been comparatively muted.

Image: Murder suspects.

As Pat Buchanan highlights, “interracial violence is overwhelmingly black-on-white,” yet the national debate over the Trayvon Martin case would suggest the opposite. The media is deliberately avoiding difficult questions about why black culture encourages broken homes and criminal behavior in preference of manufacturing the myth that blacks are under some kind of endemic hate crime assault from whites.

In reality, crime statistics drawn from Justice Department and FBI figures show that “Blacks are an estimated 39 times more likely to commit violent crime against a white person than vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit robbery.”

Facts cannot be labeled “racist”. The deliberate policy of the national media in hyping the idea that blacks face a growing hate crimes threat from whites – when it clearly appears that the opposite is true – means the genuine problem of black violence and how to address its root causes for the benefit of all Americans no matter what their skin color is being buried.

Source: Infowars

I will repeat " 2 + 2 = 5".

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