Wreath Buckle Half

tr snyper

Jr. Member
Dec 29, 2008
First of all how is everyone? I am new to this forum and I am glad to meet more fellow hunters? I'm not new to detecting or coin and relic collecting though. I was told that there are experts at identifying things on this forum. I found this half of a wreath buckle a few days ago and was wondering if anyone could give me an idea of how old it is. The site where I recovered it is with in a mile of a Revolutionary War skirmish and where the 23rd Monmouth Militia set up in an old tavern. I don't know of any Civil War activity anywhere near here but I have dug Minnie balls both 2 and 3 rings and coins from colonial coppers to large and half cents up to late Indians. And a few very early wheat's a '1910,'1912D and two 1917's. All in VF+ condition. Other belt, strap and shoe buckles surfaced along with musket balls of several calibre. With this time frame I'm not sure what it could have been used for ??? It was punched from a piece of "I think" copper but not cast as you can see on the reverse. Any info would be appreciated.
Steve A

Welcome to the T-Net
Yes, there are a lot of smart people on this site.
To me this site can't be beat
Awesome---Keep looking in the area where it was found,Just maybe the other half is still there. :thumbsup:
It just might be a CS :thumbsup:
Congrats on the find :thumbsup:


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Hell yea dude it a half of a wreath buckle most likely - circa 1861-1865, made of sand cast brass

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Sorry Kuger but I have to disagree with you. The wreath in question is way to thin to stand up to campaigning. It is a civilian wreath for a ladies sash. I think I have a tongue that will fit. Also look at the hole in the wreath. It will not take the military tongue.

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I have other buckles and bullets/musket balls from this site. Along with old coins and relics including an 1840 Harrison Log Cabin Campaign token. I'll post a picture of them when I gather them all together. Maybe it'll give some clue as to exactly what it may be. The newest coin I pulled out of there was one 1945 Washington Quarter. Then a 1917 wheat. So the site is old and saw activity by how many things from the 1800's I recovered there. It's near a train station and an early hotel so anything could have happened. Not far from this site is another where I pulled a US buckle and an old Texas Rangers Sheriff Badge! The next train stop ironically!!! And I am in New Jersey?
Steve A

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I dont know what more I can say or show to prove to you what it is!!!!The question I guess is which one?As far as it being back east.....people traveled,and many that are found out west were made in New York!By the sounds of it the time frame you posted is right in there for what I look for in search of them!Good luck, :wink:

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Should I leave it the way it is or should I clean it. It is exactly how I took it out of the ground right now. I only dry tooth brushed it.
Steve A

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tr snyper said:
Should I leave it the way it is or should I clean it. It is exactly how I took it out of the ground right now. I only dry tooth brushed it.
Steve A
I think it would be OK to clean it with soapy water. NO BRASSO LOL!! ;D

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I would be careful cleaning it........I know of a guy that ruined his whole collection by "cleaning", them.I think he wire brushed them though.I have learned the hard way too that if it was in clay soil water will flake off the patina and leave it looking less than desirable.I now either just lightly brush it after it is dry or you can boil hydrgen peroxide in the microwave and then submerge your wreath in it.Leave it in there until it stops fizzing.Repeat as you see fit.DO NOT PUT BRASSO OR ANY CHEMICALS ON IT THOUGH!!!!!

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tr snyper said:
I have other buckles and bullets/musket balls from this site. Along with old coins and relics including an 1840 Harrison Log Cabin Campaign token.

This should be a Valuable find.

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