Yes, he was. As Brigham Young and the rest of the polygamists were. They have their handshakes, too, called 'tokens', I think. The founder of the Jehovah's Witnesses was a Mason, as well. Here is the memorial at Charles Taze Russel's grave, the founder of the Jehovah's Witnesses:
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The Cross & Crown is a familiar symbol. Big with Catholics, and on some Heraldry.
Speaking of a different Cross, the Rosy one, a German based Secret Society tracing back to Christian Rosenkreutz, born in the late 1300's:
Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem Veram Medidicinam.
—Christian Rosenkreuz
Alchemical stuff, meaning: Visit the Interior Parts of the Earth; by Rectification Thou Shalt Find the Hidden Stone.
Christian Rosenkreuz is the legendary, perhaps allegorical, founder of the Rosicrucian Order (Order of the Rose Cross), presented in the three Manifestos published in the early 17th century. The first anonymous public document on the Rosicrucian Order is the Fama Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis, which appeared in 1614 in Kassel (Germany), introducing the pilgrim founder "Frater C.R.C.", followed in 1615 by the Confessio Fraternitatis (issued with the Fama). In 1616, the Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz appeared in Strasbourg (annexed by France in 1681), disclosing for the first time the founder's name as Christian Rosenkreutz.
According to legend, Christian Rosenkreuz was a doctor who discovered and learned esoteric wisdom on a pilgrimage to the Middle East among Turkish, Arab and Persian sages, possibly Sufi or Zoroastrian masters, supposedly in the early 15th century (see section below on Symbolism); returned and founded the "Fraternity of the Rose Cross" with himself (Frater C.R.C.) as Head of the Order. Under his direction a Temple, called Sanctus Spiritus, or "The House of the Holy Spirit", was built.
It is described that his body was discovered by a Brother of the Order, in a perfect state of preservation, 120 years after his death (which occurred in absolute secrecy) — as Rosenkreuz had predicted —, in a heptagonal chamber erected by himself as a storehouse of knowledge. It is described that on the Sarcophagus in the centre of the Crypt of Christian Rosenkreutz were written, among other inscriptions the words, "Jesus mihi omnia, nequaquam vacuum, libertas evangelii, dei intacta gloria, legis jugum" (being in translation, "Jesus is everything to me, by no means empty, the freedom of the gospel, the untouched glory of god, the yoke of the law"), testifying to the builder's Christian character. Rosenkreuz's crypt, according to the description presented in the legend, seems to be located in the interior parts of the Earth, recalling the alchemical motto V.I.T.R.I.O.L.: "Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem ("Visit the Interior Parts of the Earth; by Rectification Thou Shalt Find the Hidden Stone").
A little sumpin' in Portugal.
'Well of Initiation', into the interior of the earth; picture shows also the Rose of the Winds over the Templar Cross, the Rose Cross, in "Quinta da Regaleira", Sintra, Portugal (built ca. 1904–1910).:
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Since I have your attention, any ideas on why whoever erected the Georgia Guidestones wanted knuckleheads like me to think it was a Rosicrucian?
Around the edges of the square are written the names of four ancient languages, one per edge. Starting from the top and proceeding clockwise, they are: Babylonian (in cuneiform script), Classical Greek, Sanskrit, and Ancient Egyptian (in hieroglyphics).
On the left side of the tablet is the following column of text:
Astronomic Features
1. channel through stone
indicates celestial pole.
2. horizontal slot indicates
annual travel of sun.
3. sunbeam through capstone
marks noontime throughout
the year
Author: R.C. Christian
(a pseudonyn) [sic]
Sponsors: A small group
of Americans who seek
the Age of Reason
Time Capsule
Placed six feet below this spot
To Be Opened on
The words appear as shown under the time capsule heading; no dates are engraved.
R.C. Christian is an obvious reference to Rosencrusianism.
Georgia Guidestones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Concerning the underwear, I believe that they don't use it anymore, but it used to have the Compass & Square on the breast. Google can show all ya'll. There are also the Temple Garments. Type "Mormon Temple Ceremony" into the YouTube search bar, and anyone can see some of it for themselves. I spent 1-8 in a Jesuit school, and then started High School at one run by the Brothers of St. Francis de Assisi. I rebelled and went to public school shortly into high school (a mistake for the quality of education I missed out on), that just so happened to have quite a few Mormons there. I was given more than one Book, and between that and my own research, I am fairly well versed on Mormonism, for a non-LDS. I have a couple Mormon churches within a 5 mile radius of where I am at now. One of two potential cemeteries that have been mentioned in the LUE is a Mormon cemetery.
Since I referenced the Hill Cumorah, Joseph Smith, & Treasure, for those that don't know, Joseph Smith founded/created the Mormon Religion. He lived in New York, and in addition to being a Mason, was a treasure hunter. The gist of it all being he ended up with some celestial help in the form of the Angel Maroni hookin' him up with the X that marked the spot on the Hill Cumorah, in order to dig up a recover a bunch of metal plates that was the Book of Mormon.
In his own words:
Moroni, the person who deposited the plates, from whence the book of Mormon was translated, in a hill in Manchester, Ontario County, New York, as a resurrected being, appeared unto me, and told me where they were; and gave me directions how to obtain then
But, it wasn't in any language he could understand. He called it Reformed Egyptian. 'Ol Joseph came up with a work around though. He dropped a scrying stone into a stove top hat, stuck his face into the hat and blocked out the light, and then recited the words that appeared to him on the scrying stone. After that, the Angel Maroni took the metal plates back, so inquiring knucklehead minds like mine could have a look see for ourselves, to see if maybe they said sumpin' different. Or if they even existed at all ...
The Book of Mormon is a sacred text of the Latter Day Saint movement, which adherents believe contains writings of ancient prophets who lived on the American continent from approximately 2200 BC to AD 421. It was first published in March 1830 by Joseph Smith as The Book of Mormon: An Account Written by the Hand of Mormon upon Plates Taken from the Plates of Nephi.
According to Smith's account and the book's narrative, the Book of Mormon was originally written in otherwise unknown characters referred to as "reformed Egyptian" engraved on golden plates. Smith said that the last prophet to contribute to the book, a man named Moroni, buried it in a hill in present-day New York, then returned to earth in 1827 as an angel, revealing the location of the book to Smith, and instructing him to translate it into English for use in the restoration of Christ's true church in the latter days. Critics state that it was fabricated by Smith, drawing on material and ideas from modern works rather than translating an ancient record.
The Book of Mormon has a number of original and distinctive doctrinal discussions on subjects such as the fall of Adam and Eve, the nature of the Atonement, eschatology, redemption from physical and spiritual death, and the organization of the latter-day church. The pivotal event of the book is an appearance of Jesus Christ in the Americas shortly after his resurrection.
Book of Mormon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Joseph's Journey, however did not come to fruition, for his life ended in Navoo, Illinois, when a mob stormed the jail where he had been presently residing. Ended up out the window, shot before he lept/fell out, and more for good measure when he hit the ground. So, Brigham and the Boys led them all to Salt Lake, planted roots and started sending young men and women all over the world on bicycles wearing blue slacks, white short sleeved shirts, blue ties, a name badge, and the 'word of God'.
Further, the Native Americans, according to them, are one of the Lost tribes of Israel. On top of that, is the racist insinuation that accompanies their skin color and other 'flaws' they perceived in Native Americans were a punishment of God. I personally don't think it too cool to view another person, another
Human Soul, as being the work of punishment of God and of lesser value than mine, but I ain't a Mormon and that is just me:
Lamanites are descendants of Laman and Lemuel, two rebellious brothers of a family of Israelites who crossed the ocean in a ship around 600 BCE. Their brother Nephi is portrayed as founding the rival Nephites.
The book states that after the two groups separated from each other, the Lamanites received a curse of a "skin of blackness" so that they would "not be enticing" to the Nephites. After the two groups warred over a period of centuries, the book says that Jesus appeared and converted all the united Nephites and Lamanites to Christianity. However, after about two centuries, the book says that many of these Christians fell away and began to identify as Lamanites, leading some of the "true believers in Christ" to identify as Nephites. Ultimately, the book describes a series of great battles in which the Lamanites exterminated all the Nephites.
Mormons beginning with Joseph Smith have historically identified Lamanites with indigenous Americans, and sometimes even Polynesians.
Missionaries to Polynesians have been a big thing. There are a lot of Samoan Mormons. They have been as thorough in some places as the Vatican was in Central and South America with conversion.
There are some Celestial concepts, too, that would be foreign to most Christians. I remember one evening, quite a few years ago, being informed by a group of young Mormon ladies that we all choose what religion we are born into, but that we don't remember this, for when we are born, a veil passes over our eyes. Implicit in that is that they choose right and my knucklehead self chose wrong.
Some researches tie the Mormons heavily to the CIA, as well. Me? Well, obviously it was some Societies with Secrets stuff involved. And they did a pretty good job. They only had to abandon plural marriage, that was a fundamental tenet of Joe, Brigham and others who thought one lady was not enough (or wanted to produce a whole bunch of little Mormons real fast to get the endeavor established, with multiple wives and 30 children), in order to gain control of their own State, to get their foot in the door of the Game. I often wonder what Euro-influence was behind them in the beginning ...
The very first Mormon Temple built outside of North America was built in Bern, Switzerland, in 1952. Prior to that, Mormon's were in Nazi Germany, with some compliments being paid to the Nazis back home in the
Deseret News. But, prior to all hell breaking loose with Hitler kicking off his World Tour in Poland, lot's of notable people were complimenting Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, & Mussolini. After a visit, Will Rogers, that Will Rogers, had complimenting things to say about Mussolini's work.
Let me post this pic I threw up in another thread. This is from Switzerland:
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The Chevron over the Maltese Cross, and 9 balls on top. And the Black/Red/White motif. Look the hell out when you see those three colors together, for death, destruction, and justice seems to follow ...
We have the Red on Whites out of England, with things like St. George's Cross, etc., and the White on Reds outta Central Europe, and plenty of other things like Venetian symbolism ending up on an 'English' family's Arms, etc. ...
Though not religious, nor agnostic, nor a believer of any book written by man concerning the nature of things spiritual, I believe myself to have one of those thingies called a Soul and am quite spiritual by nature. Yesterday, while driving up Bear Creek Canyon, and then back down from Hicks Mtn, I had one of those signs appear a couple quick times, quick enough, coincidentally enough, and quite specifically enough for me to pay attention to the suggestion. And it was with the very specific phrase,
Silence is Golden.
So, I am going to disappear from The TNet again for a bit, before I overstay my welcome and because I just need to direct all of my attention elsewhere right now, like to a reading stack that is in a continual state of being over 10,000 pages in depth, and I need to think about putting some more of that stupid green paper stuff in my pocket to last for a little bit. Figure out if I am going to hang around the Dirty D and get my back cut on, or put that off a bit longer and relocate to the San Luis Valley this winter. That sorta stuff. Plus, I was 'told' yesterday. So no dramatic exit that I would think anyone to care about, but just a note to the few Gents I enjoy conversing with here that I have camp broken down and just about loaded up, and am getting ready to shove off and head on downstream, to see what the hell else I can find.
No doubt I'll catch up with some of ya Gents a little downstream, where I'll do my best to play the role of Info Cookie and rustle up some grub for yer noggins on the things I see while floatin' downriver, and at any stops and side Cañons I may explore, and also see what some of you have seen and come up with, too.
See all ya'll a little downstream
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