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Hello folks, my stepfather hunted his farm for burried mason jars of gold/silver coins, burried back in 1877, now he claimed back then he had "real reasons" to look for it, and look he did. hes been gone now for 20 years. anyhow, I was lookin at some old maps from the 1800's awhile back and just happen to look up his farm, there it was drawn out in little squares, but a barn or building unknown to us use to sit on the farm. I know he was hellbent on the thought that it was burried in the big barn next to the house,(built in 1840 no nails) but this drawing has another barn? away from the house, My Mother thinks Im just as crazy as he was but, this guy wasent the dumb fall for anything kinda guy, he really put his time in hunting this, he even pulled large stones out of the foundation in 2 spots due to his detecter beeping. he had a reason to belive it was there. and now with the new knowledge of a barn that we never knew of.....its got me thinking. now I said all that to ask this, I have a BH that cost bout 100 dollars, am I wasting my time to hunt it with this? I figured Id go all metal mode and just dig, I know where the mistery barn was cause its next to property lines, a place he never looked.his detecter would of been a early/mid 70's model. should I spend any money for a crazy chance, or just try the BH? thanks.