You are right GIB, this could be interesting!
Here is an excerpt from Breitbart. Cass really is not a good fella.
Radical Obama Regulatory Chief Cass Sunstein Resigns
Sunstein once argued in a speech at Harvard that the government could be used to eliminate “practices such as ... meat eating,” argued hunting should be banned (“We ought to ban hunting ... that should be against the law ... it’s time now,” he said), and wrote in a 2004 book that animals should be able to sue in a court of law and have humans represents them as clients.
Few represented President Barack Obama’s academic aloofness and air of intellectual superiority more than Sunstein and Obama essentially asked the radical professor what job he would want in his administration.
That would explain why he was given enormous power to review the language of Obamacare. Sunstein also reviewed Dodd-Frank, which is destroying small banks, environmental regulations, new food rules -- such as changing the food pyramid to a plate -- and a variety of fuel efficiency standards. He was also in charge of E.P.A. regulations that created new standards for carbon emissions from various-sized plants, which burdened businesses and created more economic uncertainty for those trying to start businesses or build manufacturing plants at home.
In truth, Sunstein -- and OIRA -- reviewed nearly everything in the vast administrative state. His power is more significant in dealing with under-the-radar rules and regulations that often go unnoticed.
New York Times aptly described Sunstein as someone who “came to Washington to test his theories of human behavior and economic efficiency in the laboratory of the federal government.”
Like Obama’s, these academic theories are often not grounded in reality, and that is why they fail miserably."