worst road trip EVER


Silver Member
Jan 30, 2008
NorthWest Ohio
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Minelab E-Trac, Equinox 600, and Tesorso compadre
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Todays road trip was worse I EVER had, went to 31 banks and managed less than $400 in halves, most had none at all, 3 banks REFUSED to sell to me because I had no account there. >:( I managed 4 silvers, those came from tellers trays. 3-90% and 1 40% and that was from 31 banks, what a freaking sucky day!
also picked up $100 in rolled dimes, skunk.

Oh well if every day was easy, everyone would be doing this....lol ;D

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Dang bro, that sucks!!!!!!! :tard:
Better luck next time!!!!

Almost makes ya wanna quit! I still CRH, but not like I use too, if it's convenient for me I'll stop at a bank & see if they have halves!

The same stories that have been told here over the last year I can relate to everyone of them!

the exact same thing happened to me last week, i posted a thread about it, the only difference is i did 33 banks (i think) and only got 2 40% kennedy's and 1 ike. i am going to try one more trip next week some place else, but i still think the best way is to just order as many boxes as the banks will let you, or in my case as many as i have available cash for and hope for the best.

i feel your pain dude

well I have two boxes showing up tommorow

good luck. i have 16 comming in thursday, i can only get them out 4 at a time right now due to funds. i will have to search the first 4 then dump and go back and get 4 more, and so on. hope i get a few good boxes out of the 16. if so i will post the pics

Ouch...at least you didn't get robbed or arrested or in a car wreck. All stories I've read here on the forum. Today I was out and got pulled over for speeding...it was a good day the cop gave me a warning. ;D


Last week I had to take out my halves in incriments of $470 at a time. I was awfully embarrased about it, butthe tellers did not seem to mind.

You may of had a bad day today, but tomorrom might be a super good day, take the good with the bad.

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