

Hero Member
Apr 3, 2005


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I picked up a 22cal long shot from the pavement last year dropping of my 6 year old at the time at a headstart through k-6 school.Does make you wonder and scares you.Have never dug a live round in the school yard but have seen some post of late that have. ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

Mainly .22s. Most were live rounds around playground equip. Don't know the idea about home schooling, if parents don't have the sense to keep ammo away from kids then how intelligent would they be on schooling the same kids?

So I guess some kid dropped it while reloading at recess lol I know it's morbid.
But while I'm on the subject of ammo... When I was making new cherry wood doors for my kitchen cabinets { I cut and planed the wood myself} Look what ruined my planer blades! A 30:06 fmj was 2 but 1 fell out. This one is still in my kitchen lol.


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yea.. every time i find a live or spent round in a school yard i whonder just how the hell it got there. And why some jackarse is shootin there.

I have dug several live rounds,,, Not a good feeling having to carry these around for the hunt...
The first live round I found was one of the 44 cal. cartridges. I stuck in into a small pocket on my pouch, but it was spooking me so bad, i had to bring in home and put it away... I have these three here now, going to take them to a local Police station to see if they will dispose of them for me....
Good Luck & Be Careful


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I found the brass bottom of a shot gun shell while hunting my childhood play ground yesterday. This is a very old park however so who knows how old the shell is. My hometown is very historic. The courthouse dates to 1724 and is still in use today. It holds the record for longest continously used public building in the country. On New Years eve. all manner of firearms are discharged at midnight. Scary place to live these days. My wife doesn't like the idea that I hunt there. But I'm undaunted. Most of the peeps there wouldn't know an MD from an uzzi......lol


The bullet in the door is Priceless Dano. I know how much the Planer blades cost. I use a 18 rotary and the last time I nicked a nail it cost me 80.00 bucks for a new carbide and the resharpening X 3 blades . I also did it on the joiner once which really ticked me off because I should have seen it. Bullets at the school yard really disturbs me but also digging live ammo is no fun either.HH

reading these it just reminded me of when i got caught at school with a couple of live 30-30 rounds that i had found in my fathers stuff, i was about 7 at the time, that was about 30 years ago, i can't even imagine what they would do nowadays.


Found some 22, 38 case's, arrow, and possible brass knuckles in a middle school yard where I detect some times. Glad all of my kids are grown up, but worry about my up-coming grand kids. A I am afraid to think what I might find in the local high schools. Scary huh folks.

it gives afterschool activities a whole new meaning :) . but then again if my schools had archery or shooting sports programs, i might have been inclined to become a jock ;) .



Hey XLT, not everybody can afford a gun safe,and also remember that kids will find things no matter where you hide them, as for your other comments, i'll let the others take aim at them :) .


Come on everyone.

Listen, I don't like the idea of kids having rounds in their pockets. I don't like them being in a school yard either. But, honestly everyone! Kids are pack rats, they find things on the ground and put it in their pocket. Sure, they could have found them in Dad's drawer in his dresser at home, but I'm sure they could have found them on the side of the road just as easily. Really, think about it. Is everyone trying to say that bullets only come from the home?

When I was a boy I was fascinated by bullets and guns,....I still am. As a kid I thought that bullets were just,....well....neet. I played with matches because burning things was cool. I put firecrackers in snails to see them blow up. And I've probably killed about 50,000 lizards and sparrows with my BB gun when I was a kid. Does that make me a bad person,......I'm sure to some of you it does. But, to me it just makes me a kid. Boys are just like that, by the way, some girls are too.

The point is that the bullets in the playground are not good, I agree with that. The way they got there can be just about anything and anyway. Let's not just say, " they came from the home". Let's use a bit of common sense on this one. Oh, and the home schooling issue,.....that has nothing to do with this post really, does it?

NOW, WITH THAT SAID! The slugs found at the school yard,.....that's a different matter entirely! That concerns me. Of course then can be found too but not as likely I would imagine. The slugs kinda make me think a bit,.....and worry too for that matter.


PS: Hope I haven't offended anyone with my comments,..this wasn't my intentions and I apologize if I have.

I found a 357 Magnum spent shell in the park the other day. I put it on the coffee table after showing it to my husband and Nugget (my puppy) decides it's a new chewy stick! So it has some bites taken out of it! Good thing it was a spent shell!

Wow! I didn't mean to still up a hornets nest, and the home school..I was being sarcastic.
But maybe some good will come out of this because it seems a lot of us have found ammo and spent ammo at schools.
Should someone write to the people at the education system and fill them in on this problem?
Seems to me that there is an ongoing problem that may need to be addressed, but it's just my oppinion.

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