Worms and metal detecting


Sr. Member
Apr 17, 2014
Northern Califorina
Detector(s) used
Whites 5000D..Whites Classic 3 SL with Mr. Bill mods..Whites MXT...Minelab X-terra 705..Minelab Explorer SE Pro..Whites DFX..Minelab E-trac...Minelab CTX3030
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
You ever notice when your metal detecting and you hit a target and sweep your coil over the target a few times to center it, and you dig a plug, the worms in the ground are trying to get out of there as fast as they can...must be something with the signal that bothers them....if you fish take a can with you....you find the coins and the worms to go fishing with all at one time....just a thought....HH

Not the signal, but the vibration from digging. You can do the same by pounding a stake in the ground and rubbing the top of it.There is a name for this technique. Someone else will have to say what it is called as it slips my mind now.

An old boy down in Tenn. showed me how to do that. Can't remember what he called it, but he had a dull saw, and he would find what he called a "stob," a small tough, woody plant, and go to sawing on it close to the ground, and the worms would come to the surface. He'd pick up what he needed and go fishing. I never tried it, not much of a water fisherman myself.

When I was a kid, a friend's dad had a metal probe that plugged in. He's stick it into the ground in his backyard and the worms would come to the surface right away. I guess it was an electric jolt or maybe vibrations, or both, that did it.

Worm charming, or worm fiddling is an old method of driving worms out of the ground for fishing :) It only works if there are a lot of them and they are shallow. Its always funny to me to seem them jump outta the ground and run when I'm digging or probing for a target.

yep...what ever it is vibrations or electric current...they sure come out of there wiggling and trying to get out of there...

You ever notice when your metal detecting and you hit a target and sweep your coil over the target a few times to center it, and you dig a plug, the worms in the ground are trying to get out of there as fast as they can...must be something with the signal that bothers them....if you fish take a can with you....you find the coins and the worms to go fishing with all at one time....just a thought....HH
You can get an old telephone gen. and put probes in the ground and wire to probes and then crank the gen and get worms or as stated just hammer a stick about wrist size in the ground where worms are at and rub another stick on first stick or make notches in stick and rub first stick that's hammered in the ground as this will viberate ground and bring worms up. I got a generator from a school supply store to show how how electricity works for kids and I wire the gen with wire to a copper rod in ground and that works to get worms red mo

I'd get out of the ground to if someone were trying to electrocute me as well. ;) Just don't try that trick when you go fishing. Hahh!

Saw a guy on "1000 ways to die". He was a lineman for a power company. From the top of a pole at a rural site he saw a hidden lake and came back later with his john boat and some of his work equipment. He hooked up some cable to the power supply on the pole then rowed out into the lake towing the live cables along.

Standing up on the boat seat he put the cable ends into the water and dozens of stunned fish came to the surface. The seats of his boat were made of wood but when he stepped down onto the hull to collect the fish, the hull was metal and wet and he electrocuted himself...supposed to be a true story, but no tellin' on today's TV shows...(uh oh, I forgot this has nothing to do with worms, except maybe the guy should have used some worms), yeah that's it...cheers.

Was an old guy who used to use a single leaf of a car leaf spring driven into the ground, then rub an old board across the top to drive the worm's up to the surface years ago in town for fishing bait, I know it work's, The old guy made his beer money from it. Vibration's always make smiles.

I don't know what I find more of when I dig treasure, worms or grubs!

My only worm comment is that toward late summer there are in the woods, droves of really big overly active worms that
like to stay at the surface, but will race away when I drop down to dig a signal. They remind me of worms on stearoids and I think they're a nuisance.

My only worm comment is that toward late summer there are in the woods, droves of really big overly active worms that
like to stay at the surface, but will race away when I drop down to dig a signal. They remind me of worms on stearoids and I think they're a nuisance.

In my area they call those worms river worms and sell good at fishing supplies,I use to dig them they really are fast and wiggle good and stay alive longer. rwd mo

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