Sr. Member
I found this a while back on a baseball field. I know it's a dog tag but am trying to figure out from which war?
Research the guy & get the answer, I had one similar, but can't remember which War (WWII I think??)
Looks nearly identical to my great grandfather's WW1 dog tag. Yours has a "pre-social security" service number. Have you found out anything about Private John W. Mayo, of Company E of the 131st Field Artillery? Cool find, congrats. Sub
I tried researching the guy but couldn't find anything. I found some John Mayo's, but don't think any were him. I would like to give it to his family if I could.
I tried researching the guy but couldn't find anything. I found some John Mayo's, but don't think any were him. I would like to give it to his family if I could.
I think that would be Battery E, rather than Company E. There is an excerp here 2/3 of the way down, Nov 2, 1917, that mentions a John Mayo in the correct outfit, but doesn't really tell us much; Robertson County Texas TXGenWeb
Added; well, this tells his age (not date of birth though) scroll down to M: Robertson County Texas TXGenWeb
some links,hope they help, i thought someone had put up a link once to
find/search enlistment #s
World War I Records
World War I Draft Registration Records