Interesting post . The bronze coin with the square hole in the center is one of the "cash" coin series. Only this one has the characters Kwang-haO on the reverse which indicates it is a "Birthday Cash". Those were given as gifts, and made by Imperial and private mints. They have collector value. The large "silver" coins are called "Fat Man Dollars". Yeoman- #329 with several variants and minted from 1914-1921. Highly collectible and also highly counterfeited. Originals used to be rather common, but since the Chinese economy has improved greatly the prices of collectible Chinese coins has soared in recent years. I am not saying the coins shown are real or fake. You would have to examine them in person to be sure. American MD'ers sometimes find counterfeit coins here. As I said, an interesting post.
It would be helpful if any members who can read Chinese would please translate the original post for the rest of us. Thank you !