OK, so I'm a bit out of the hi-tech loop of what's available today. I still use my old school Tesoro Vaquero detector, which you may know, has no disply screen.
It's getting irritating constantly getting my Grey Ghost headphone cord tangled up on my digging shovel.
1) Are these wireless headphones today only made to be used with the newer hi-tech detectors, or are there some that will also work with my Tesoro Vaquero?
2) If so, what brand would you recommend?
Thanks for your input,
It's getting irritating constantly getting my Grey Ghost headphone cord tangled up on my digging shovel.
1) Are these wireless headphones today only made to be used with the newer hi-tech detectors, or are there some that will also work with my Tesoro Vaquero?
2) If so, what brand would you recommend?
Thanks for your input,