Wintertime indoor MDing / Old Pianos


Sr. Member
Apr 23, 2003
With winter closing in I have thought of a few coin related things to be done indoors.?

Mainly these can only be done in old houses, or if you have an old piano.

My wife and I got an old piano for free! a few weeks ago.? Eventually we got a mech to come to tune the thing.? I was chatting with him and he said that he "almost always" finds old coins down between and under the keys.? He has found several/many IH cents and whatnot.? I figured our piano was 30-50 years old, turns out the darn thing is from the late 20's!!!!? I have yet to take it apart to look for coins, but this winter I am sure to get bored enough to resort to that!!! BTW, the coins usually fall WAY down in have to take the keys completely off to get to them. There is a space under the keys that is a few inches deep, under the ivories and under the wooden base beneath those...

Second, Old furniture.? I have heard several stories of people finding coins in them.? The other day my friend found a 64' nicked and a 65' quarter in a chair of his.? Too bad it wasn't the other way around...

And last, but not least, if you have an old house, there are many many places to look for lost coins.? The easiest being under radiators.? I looked under the ones in my house and found coins under almost every one.? Sadly, the oldest ones were from the late 60's but it game me the idea....

My Dad tells this story about how when he was a kid in the 50's his sister lost a coin down a ventilation duct/grate which led to the basement.? He wend down there and took apart some kind of heating equipment and found several old coins; IH cents, V nickels, and a Morgan dollar I belive.

I hope this helps you cold weather ppl survive the winter a bit easier!

Have fun!!

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How do you reckon those coins get into between the keys? Kinda strange but with this hobby you never know! Part of my job is taking care of the city recycle area. We get lots of old chairs and couches and WASHING MACHINES that always give up coins and jewelry after a few blows with the backhoe bucket! It's fun to go out there and rip & tear stuff apart looking for treasures. Chuck

I did some indoor hunting myself last weekend. I have been remodeling a house from the 40's.

I was finding pennies here and there on the floor. Got three nice wheaties, 1941, 1945, 1950 from under old trim and baseboards... found about 20 pennies, and a couple nickels, no silver yet.

Seem like there's always coins under there.

I searched another house years back that my friends bought, he was preparing to redo the hardwoods and removed the trim. I look around the edge and spotted a 1927 wheat stuck to the floor and covered in dust.

Also relevant to the piano finds, I heard a story from my mother about her grandmother hiding money in her piano. It wasn't until she died that it was found that she had stashed rolls of bills totaling in the thousands in her beloved piano.

Would of been really cool to find these days.

I never thought of checking the key tray though, might have a new place look...

I'd be interested to see the look on my wife's face if I started taking apart everything in the house.:-)

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