winter detecting

I am in the same predicament here in buffalo,NY. Short of using a Phaser or hand grenade....Good luck!!

I have an idea--we could at least go out in the winter and mark all the good signals and come dig them up in the spring. You would have to mark them with something that would not be moved and you could identify, maybe a rock spraypainted a certain color.

The best way would be to get some one else to do it for you. It's gonna be a looong winter! Cladius.

I'm still new to detecting in general let alone in the winter and frozen ground. But what if you took a thermos with warm water in it and poured some on the place you wanted to dig. It might melt the ground enough to dig a little easier. :-\

There was ice on my pond this morning, made a fast trip with my classic round an old oak tree and had a hit, stuck the trowel in the ground and made a bee line for the house. I can see the trowel still sticking in the ground from a window in the house, if it warms up tommorrow, I might go dig it up.

When I'm detecting in the summer I use flags (like the green or red used by the utility companies) to mark each signal. If I get a signal I will flag the pinpointed area and just continue hunting. When I have hunted for a while I will go back and start digging all the flaggs. (This only works in an area you know some joker or child won't be able to mess with your flag).
For winter, you might try the same method if it's an area the flaggs won't be bothered or you can get back to dig the areas in a short period of time.
Might help??

Gas powered air compresser, and an air chisel.​
Caution: Always remember to wear your safety classes...?? 8)

I'am using C4 plastic explosives!! :D ;D though it might damage the find i still need it, whatever the depth i use the amount of oz, like 3" 3oz of C4!! and so on and so fourth, LOL joke! HH CS

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