
Mental Granny

Gold Member
May 8, 2005
Cherokee Strip
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This was on the news started yesterday and normaly I don't let TV upset me but this did maybe it was the kids ages, but at Tinker Air Force Base in the city (Oklahoma City) yesterday a service man shot his 8 year old little girl and 4 year old little boy, then he shot himself!
Custody 4 days in base house with him 4 days in base house with the mom she had just got there for her turn, his house. They have not released all the info yet.

??? the world has gone crazy. sometimes i wish that meteor would just wipe us out already.........................this stuff depresses the hell out of me. :'(

If he had to shoot anybody, then he should have started with himself.

rwsnc said:
If he had to shoot anybody, then he should have started with himself.

Amen! Mental granny, stories like this disturb me too. This kind of thing is happening all to often. I can not fantom how anyone can shoot a child.

I will volunteer my services to anyone who has any thoughts of this. PLEASE COME SEE ME. I WILL SHOOT YOU....YOU WILL BE DEAD. Crap like this really burns me up; that is why I didn't continue in law enforcement after the Army. The ones who beat or kill kids; beat or kill their wives; drive drunk and kill someone with their car and walk away unhurt; the ones who massacre on campus or in malls......they go to the funny farm; or prison so we can pay for them to live. Gee....I wouldn't make it past the entry review board would I? I exercise my right to keep and bear arms....if or when one of the morons are shooting up a place anywhere I am.....they will get a .45 caliber surprise. Expert shot; I shoot for the head....it isn't wearing a bullet proof vest. Sorry.....had to vent......

Don't know if it made national news or not but a couple of months ago a crazy guy walked into his house shot his wife twice, then proceeded to shoot his two kids and a stepson then himself.

The woman survived so did the baby, but the baby was shot in the head and will never live a normal life.

This man was from Iran and was mad that his American Wife wouldn't go back to Iran with him and take the kids.

It makes me sick to think that people will hurt children especially their own.

They said on the news this am he shot his beautiful little girl (they had a pic of her ) he shot her 5 times his little boy (no pic) 2 times--this stuff happens way to much it just seems so much worse when its babies!!

stuff like this disturbs me greatly, though I never had the privilege and blessing of children. I would of loved to have a herd running around. I am still troubled by the guy that threw his 4 kids off the bridge here so he could hurt his wife for not giving him dope money. I guess I will never understand it

Or the women in Texas who drowned all 4 of hers


Susan Smith or at the same time as that one a woman took little girl in to the br of a bus station and cut her throat that did not make the news as much she was black and it was the same time as SS murdering her baby boys!

As sad as this is and how we hear so much of this on the news nowadays....this has been going on for many many years. In researching old newspapers, I find stories like this all the time (wifes killing husbands and vice versa or one or both parents killing their kids)...it is so sad.

We hear so much more because of the media....

Infact, what really disturb me yesterday...while researching some info for my son's class on the Civil War and Harriet Tubman, John Brown and Nat Turner, Abe Lincoln, Robert E. Lee, when the first battle was fought in the Civil War, Fort Sumter...etc....I was searching Nat Turner...I found an article were Nat Turner and anywhere from 40-60 other men (slaves) went on a killing spree. They killed so many families and to read about the children and the details he described on how they were killed, just sent chills up my spine. However, this Nat Turner is NOT the same Nat Turner that worked with Harriet Tubman and John Brown.

It is so very sad to hear this kind of stuff on the news. I look at my children and think how can ANY PARENT cause such harm to their own flesh and blood! I don't think I will or anyone...will ever understand why this happens and why people do it!!

And when my father was stationed at Ft Bragg...back about 1962-65...a soldier killed his wife and kids, they lived around the corner from us on base housing...it made news big time...he tried to claim a robber came in...he was set free, but later convicted...from what I remember...trying to remember his last name, but can't for the life of me...I was maybe about 8-9 at the time it happened. (PS: I reemember they made a movie from this sad time)

They said that was the reason she had just gotton a protective order and he had said if she divorced him he would kill the kids! His brother is a deputy in another state! amd called okla. co. sherrifs dept ot apoligze for what his brother did! Now they the base and the local cicilan law are argueing some over jurisdic tion, no more word on the poor mother seeing her kids she was running out of the house as he shot them he had just tazzed her!

This whole world doesnt make sence to me anymore, i shake my head everyday at the violence thats going on around us, sad thing is, its getting closer and closer to home. Its a scarey thought of how its gonna be when my grand children are grown.

Ithank God for my grandbabies everyday and look at them and pray that violence (like School shootings ect. ) any kind of it never touch them! And that it would stop everywhere!

mental granny said:
Ithank God for my grandbabies everyday and look at them and pray that violence (like School shootings ect. ) any kind of it never touch them! And that it would stop everywhere!
Aint that the truth.....crazy world we're in.

In my home town, a woman I knew slightly had a son who was being divorced by his wife. The wife was going to move up North several States away. The grandmother took the two children, ages 8 and 12, with her to Alabama. There she shot and killed both of them and then herself. It was a huge shock to the community. In a million years I would never thought she would do such a thing. Some said she would rather kill them than have them move away and hardly see them again. They said that is how much she loved them.

I say she was a selfish woman who had her own feeling ahead of her grandchildren. She was worried about her loss and not their well being. If I sound hard....so be it.

Pepper2004 said:
In my home town, a woman I knew slightly had a son who was being divorced by his wife. The wife was going to move up North several States away. The grandmother took the two children, ages 8 and 12, with her to Alabama. There she shot and killed both of them and then herself. It was a huge shock to the community. In a million years I would never thought she would do such a thing. Some said she would rather kill them than have them move away and hardly see them again. They said that is how much she loved them.

I say she was a selfish woman who had her own feeling ahead of her grandchildren. She was worried about her loss and not their well being. If I sound hard....so be it.
Nothing hard about that Pepper!

She was a selfish old B*&^H with serious mental problems!

I think if you want to kill someone take your slf out no one else!!
It is done to hurt the ex partner not to help the ones your killing!
But the police say hands tied til they do something by then its to lat!!
But they say you could lie that the person never said they would hurt the kids you are lying to hurt the ex!
So until they kill them you have no proff!!!

mental granny said:
I think if you want to kill someone take your slf out no one else!!
Yes! Other wise its cold blooded murder no matter how you look at it! Crazy people in this world i tell ya!

Ron and Ann said:
It is so very sad to hear this kind of stuff on the news. I look at my children and think how can ANY PARENT cause such harm to their own flesh and blood! I don't think I will or anyone...will ever understand why this happens and why people do it!!

And when my father was stationed at Ft Bragg...back about 1962-65...a soldier killed his wife and kids, they lived around the corner from us on base housing...it made news big time...he tried to claim a robber came in...he was set free, but later convicted...from what I remember...trying to remember his last name, but can't for the life of me...I was maybe about 8-9 at the time it happened. (PS: I reemember they made a movie from this sad time)

I don't remember any from Ft Bragg, but that makes me think of Dr Sam Shepherd - whose wife was murdered in 1952 or thereabouts. He served time, but was later released by the courts. There's something about how his story was (semi) confirmed, but I can't remember enough about it. (I think his was in Ohio???)


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