Why me?


Full Member
Jan 20, 2013
So today was a bad day. I went from bank to bank today asking for halves got about 100$ in halves not one silver. I norm get one 40%. So I was driving and seen a bank I have yet gone to since they where new. I walked in and asked do you have any halves in today. The lady said yea we have about 300$ worth a guy just brought in about a hour ago. So I said I'll take them. She gets the box and brings them out and had 10 halves not rolled all where silver. I couldn't wait. Then she said can I have your account number. I told her I wasn't a member to the bank. So she said that I couldn't have the halves and to leave the property. What a crappy day

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mind saying what bank and where?

Thats when you open a savings account on the spot, most banks will give you 30-90 days to fund it. put in $20, and take your silver home. close the account the next day if you want the $20 back!

if they have a free account or a cheap account with no fees, open it so you can get those halves! you might also say "i will consider opening an account with your bank if you would be willing to sell me those half dollars first as a gesture of good will."

if an issue like this happens with a bank i don't belong to, i always see what kinds of services they have to offer with as little money as possible to open an account. often times, opening a new bank account means more places to freely get coins from, or a coin machine to deposit to.

i always tell the bankers i intend to order coins regularly, and tell them that I am a serious coin collecter. they usually have no issue at all, and just want people in their banks. plus, most banks have those coffee machines now with all the different flavors, and all for free!

Open the account, get the silver and then you have a new bank that you know doesn't pull silver

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account holder = bank
member = credit union

the bank straightened me out on this once, as if they were offended.

I never get this, I go into banks all the time I don't have an account with, I have never been asked if I am a member or account holder, typically these are cash transactions that don't require an account to be pulled up, your just buying some coins ( ussually ones they want to get rid of) with cash out of pocket, I guess I have just been lucky for over a year now. Sorry for your luck, sounds like you missed out on a great score. Like the others said, I would have opened an account on the spot if it was feasable. HH, Maverick.

You needed to do a Frank Abignail and make a 20$ appear behind her ear. Or a 50..

I had a sort of similar situation minus the silver part. I asked for halves and the teller found only four. I couldn't tell if they were silver or not. I was hoping for a lot more and only had $500 in big bills plus a couple dollars in halves in my pocket. I gave her a $100 bill and she asked if I had an account...no...sorry we can't take the large bill then...I ended up pulling out $2 in halves and traded them for her $2. It just seemed kind of silly. No silver...just 4 clad for 4 clad.

Yup - open an account on the spot next time. You do this for a while and you will have so many accounts that you will lose track of them! :laughing7:


I feel your pain i get this a lot. Usually trying to buy boxes of cents And or nickels.

What's funny to me is that one branch will sell to me but same bank different branch I get the third degree.

Also tried to buy a box from a comerica bank. The teller asked rudely"where are you from" I simply told her that I'm from here in the neighborhood. She snapped back " what company" I said it was for personal use. Again snarky she says "coins are for account holders only. I said I'm have a nice.day and turned to leave. When shesnapped would you like to open an account. I snapped back"with tellers as rude as you are I'd never open a account here.

This is a funny subject... I feel your pain...

I too get rejected from teller trays/CWR's from banks I dont belong too, never been asked to get off the property though, lol!

Alot of times anymore, I just lie and say Yeah im a member, and they say ok, heres the coinage... It sucks when they ask for your bank account number, but most times they dont, and just assume you are telling the truth...

I belong to over 10 banks now just cause of the hastles at some of them...

You saw silver, but wouldnt join to get it?!?!?!? The first bank i ever did any CRH at, They had 510 in halves, they insisted I become a member to buy it... sure glad I decided to do it, and desposit a whole 5 bucks...

It had 23 90% and 70 40% inside

CUs are very territorial. Watch yourself, best course of action is to say up front you are not a member and see if you can become one

Ok after all what happen I went back today and open a account. Got my halves and 9 90% & 17 40% they said they where going to get rid of them today if I didn't snag them. Pic up latter when I get home

millerb91 said:
Ok after all what happen I went back today and open a account. Got my halves and 9 90% & 17 40% they said they where going to get rid of them today if I didn't snag them. Pic up latter when I get home

That haul was easily enough to cover the fee you paid to open an account.. Now you also have a bank that you know doesn't pull silver congrats..

Glad to hear it turned out well for you. That was a great score!! Well worth the effort. HH

Then she said can I have your account number. I told her I wasn't a member to the bank. So she said that I couldn't have the halves and to leave the property.

IF SHE SAID THAT, SAY YOU CAN BE ASSURED I NEVER WILL BE A MEMBER EITHER thats what I always do. dawg, i make a scene, i have nice clothes, and you have no idea who I am, I might even know the president of the Bank/CU, and you treat me like this.


Why not me!! I would have joined that bank so fast it would have made that tellers head spin. Go back there asap and get that silver man!

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