Why Has Tnet Traffic Slowed Down So Much?

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Gold Member
Jun 4, 2010
Wherever there be treasure!
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Older blue Excal with full mods, Equinox 800.
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All Treasure Hunting
Been gone from the Tnet scene for quite a while and upon my return I can't help but to notice how much slower the site traffic is. There was a day when this platform was really hopping 24/7 but now it seems pretty sluggish. Is it simply due to all of the other public and private platforms that are available today? Or has something changed within the site platform that has made it less attractive? What's your take on the situation?

Been gone from the Tnet scene for quite a while and upon my return I can't help but to notice how much slower the site traffic is. There was a day when this platform was really hopping 24/7 but now it seems pretty sluggish. Is it simply due to all of the other public and private platforms that are available today? Or has something changed within the site platform that has made it less attractive? What's your take on the situation?
Probably a number of factors. Things change.

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Wow how sad...blaming the politics you dislike for why a treasure hunting forum is slow? Couldn't be anything reasonable like social media creating metaldecting groups and content on apps the majority of the population is already on, could it? Wild.

Traffic is down on all online treasure hunting websites due to the scourge that is Face Book.

Please keep politics out of all threads and posts not posted in our politics forum.

Gold Trump, last warning to please stop posting politics in our regular forums, if you feel compelled to post political comments join as Charter Member and post them in our politics forum.

Gold Trump, last warning to please stop posting politics in our regular forums, if you feel compelled to post political comments join as Charter Member and post them in our politics forum.
Right arm
What ever I never fit in here anyways, later..

Right arm
What ever I never fit in here anyways, later..
You have been here long enough to know our rules on politics, and you fit in here as much as anyone else as long as you are willing to follow our rules.

I personally do not have a Fakebook account nor do I want one. That is a large problem with the world today that stupid social media drama pit. Why in the world do people see a need to show endless pictures, posts, and every facet of their lives all day and night long? Simply makes no sense to me. Are they so sad and lonely they need it or are they simply so full of themselves they feel a need to show how great they think they are to everyone else? *shrugs* don't care.
I like coming here the WAY IT IS. This is a SOLID, DEPENDABLE way to speak to others who are of similar thought process. We are here to have fun and escape the drama and BS around us every day that tries so hard to invade out lives and privacy. We are freely giving our time, thoughts, and feelings in an environment we feel comfortable enough to do so in. It's our choice! If we wanted to go somewhere else or in another format we can and would. For me personally this is still a great forum and one I find myself checking all the time. I hope it does NOT change or try to be "more hip" and "relevant". It's relevant to people now and will continue to be.

Don't fix what isn't broken.

Wow how sad...blaming the politics you dislike for why a treasure hunting forum is slow? Couldn't be anything reasonable like social media creating metaldecting groups and content on apps the majority of the population is already on, could it? Wild.
Hu? What? "Blaming politics I don't like?".....lol Where on earth did you grab that notionfrom.....lol

Traffic is down on all online treasure hunting websites due to the scourge that is Face Book.

Please keep politics out of all threads and posts not posted in our politics forum.
That's sort of what I figured. Just too many alternate platforms these days.

I personally do not have a Fakebook account nor do I want one. That is a large problem with the world today that stupid social media drama pit. Why in the world do people see a need to show endless pictures, posts, and every facet of their lives all day and night long? Simply makes no sense to me. Are they so sad and lonely they need it or are they simply so full of themselves they feel a need to show how great they think they are to everyone else? *shrugs* don't care.
I like coming here the WAY IT IS. This is a SOLID, DEPENDABLE way to speak to others who are of similar thought process. We are here to have fun and escape the drama and BS around us every day that tries so hard to invade out lives and privacy. We are freely giving our time, thoughts, and feelings in an environment we feel comfortable enough to do so in. It's our choice! If we wanted to go somewhere else or in another format we can and would. For me personally this is still a great forum and one I find myself checking all the time. I hope it does NOT change or try to be "more hip" and "relevant". It's relevant to people now and will continue to be.

Don't fix what isn't broken.
Agreed. But I worry that the lower traffic isn't going to remain sustainable to keep this platform afloat.

I personally do not have a Fakebook account nor do I want one. That is a large problem with the world today that stupid social media drama pit. Why in the world do people see a need to show endless pictures, posts, and every facet of their lives all day and night long? Simply makes no sense to me. Are they so sad and lonely they need it or are they simply so full of themselves they feel a need to show how great they think they are to everyone else? *shrugs* don't care.
I like coming here the WAY IT IS. This is a SOLID, DEPENDABLE way to speak to others who are of similar thought process. We are here to have fun and escape the drama and BS around us every day that tries so hard to invade out lives and privacy. We are freely giving our time, thoughts, and feelings in an environment we feel comfortable enough to do so in. It's our choice! If we wanted to go somewhere else or in another format we can and would. For me personally this is still a great forum and one I find myself checking all the time. I hope it does NOT change or try to be "more hip" and "relevant". It's relevant to people now and will continue to be.

Don't fix what isn't broken.
I’ve never spent 1 second on Facebook. I have no sheep blood, so I don’t follow the crowd very well. I like T Net because I can contribute and learn about my interests in a somewhat controlled environment.

Something I've noticed with just this one post. Back in the day we didn't have all of the sarcasm, bad attitudes, unnecessary "sheep blood" type comments, etc. Everyone was respectful, even when of different opinions. So maybe all of that has something to do with it as it's sort of turnoff.

Something I've noticed with just this one post. Back in the day we didn't have all of the sarcasm, bad attitudes, unnecessary "sheep blood" type comments, etc. Everyone was respectful, even when of different opinions. So maybe all of that has something to do with it as it's sort of turnoff.
Sorry for sharing my opinion. I’ll stay out of the way. That will help the site.

Something I've noticed with just this one post. Back in the day we didn't have all of the sarcasm, bad attitudes, unnecessary "sheep blood" type comments, etc. Everyone was respectful, even when of different opinions. So maybe all of that has something to do with it as it's sort of turnoff.
You could probably stir up some traffic posting about Beale...

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