I had one and sold it ONLY because I already owned dozens of metal detectors.
I found nearly the same thing that Sandman did, that it would go deep ( 2" deeper than a Silver uMax - on a clad nickel in the ground, but 2" less in air), because it reads eddy (Foucault) currents primarily coming out past the magnetic field on the positive (bottom) side of the coil, the side that we search with, inducted into and around the target, instead of reading only it's spherical, changing/interrupted magnetic field.
Note: Eddy currents can be used to create motion, heat, reverse motion, levitation, detecting cracks in materials, and braking too.
I traded the anti-bouyant coil - for a standard coil. It could disc out very tiny iron and some foil too, but in doing so it lost depth and lots of small jewelry. It was however the most trouble-free detector I've ever owned. In really nasty soil where absolutely zero VLF's, BBS, magnetic-pulse-imagining, and BB detectors quit, the thing kept right on like nothing went wrong at all. It wasn't quite my cup of tea though, I too favor the VLF's, especially the single freqs. I should have kept it though, if only because it worked so well.