Whos this little guy?


Sr. Member
Dec 20, 2004
Detector(s) used
Bounty Hunter SSII & Fisher F75
Who's this little guy?

I went to 2 parks today that I had never known about until I looked at a county parks website. The first one was a soccer park with about 7 0r 8 fields. I wasn't finding hardly anything but trash and not even much of that!!! Then as I walked by some small bleachers I found a green canvas bag so I looked inside and found a personal electronic address book in it. I turned it on and found a # listed as "Dad's Cell" so I walked back to my truck to get my phone and call the #. On the way to the truck I got my 1st quarter sigal. It turned out to be another Soccer Referee token. I called the guy and he came right over to pick up the bag.

I wasn't finding much so I went to another park from the website. It looked pretty promising with a snack bar, playground, sports fields ETC...

I started near the snack bar and worked my way toward the playground. That's when I found this little Guy. He looks the same on both sides except the backwards "R" isn't on the other side at all. He's pretty heavy too, I'm thinking it might be brass.


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Re: Who's this little guy?

buudman said:

He doesn't even have a face, how could he have an attitude? ???

He reminds me of Elmer Fudd with a cowboy hat on.

Re: Who's this little guy?

Nice finds! I like that token! Good job on returning the PDA to it's owner! That's one more person who will look kindly on our hobby! Good job!!

Re: Who's this little guy?

Looks like a leprechaun....an Irish thing I think....I love the irish....not irish myself...but I like green beer!!! come to think of it....I just like beer!!

Re: Who's this little guy?

With the PDA return, he's now your Lucky Charm. ;D Treat him kindly and maybe he'll lead you to his pot o' gold.

Re: Who's this little guy?

I live near a large soccor field complex. I have found that not much of anything is out in the field itself. I hunted several hours several days before it dawned on me that most of the coins were probably along the sidelines. DUH! Not being a soccor fan I just happened to drive by the complex one day when matches were going on. All of the soccor moms were lined up in lawn chairs at each end of the bleachers. The coaches and players were constantly pacing the sidelines. My next trip out I noticed that the ground was worn bare where the soccor moms sat in their lawn chairs so I concentrated my search over all the bare spost I could find along the sidelines. Paydirt! In these areas I constantly find quarters, dimes and more pennies than I care to dig. Give it a rest for a couple of weeks and they replenish themselves! JIM

Re: Who's this little guy?

Nice Finds Bmanofnbc. Not sure about the little guy but he looks like a statue of Badger to me ;D LOL Nice pics too. HH

Re: Who's this little guy?

Looks like your avatar...turned around.

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