Which is best?


Dec 2, 2008
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Golden Thread
Thanks to everyone in advance for advice on which metal detector to go with. My budget is $1000.00. I live in north georgia and my primary intrest is relic hunting and coin. I know all detectors don't do everything but I am looking for the best all around detector keeping the above in mind. I have been favoring the Soverign GT!


I hear that soveriegn is a real go getter and finds stuff pretty deep. I have never used one although I know of a fellow who does. I am not sure which detector you have used in the past but, I have had a few myself. I have used Whites Spectrum Eagles, WHites classics, whites coinmasters, had 2 Tesoros, 2 Fishers, and a Garrett. There were a few things I liked about each one of them, and a couple of things I did not like about them. I bought an Xterra 50 a few months back and got the 10.5" DD med. freq coil and the 6" high freq DD coil for it too. I believe it to be the best machine I have used to date. The reason I am telling you about this one is because I coin and relic hunt too. You do not need a book to learn it and you do not have to go into a program or menu settings to change things either. Everything is at the touch of a button and it runs only on 4 AA batteries. Also has ground balance. I can also say that it has found some keepers from some sites I had thought were cleaned out by me over a year ago. It is just my opinion and I thought I would share it with you in case you have not considered an Xterra series. It is also about 200.00 less than the Soveriegn.

i use a GT about 4 days a week here on Tybee Island,its a great beach hunter....but if i was going to hunt relics id go with the Tesoro Tejon.iv found bullets @ 15" with the Tejon when i lived in Tn and it has very fast response time.the reason i like the GT over anything else on the salt beach is the multi freq just perform better on salt sand.iv been told the Whites M6 is also a good relic detector but iv not had one of them.over all i dont think there is a better all around detector than the Sovereign,and the GT being the top dog.good luck,there are a lot of good experienced hunters on these forums and good advice. DD

The more money you have to spend the tougher the choice. Many, many great machines between $400 and $1000. The Sovereign is of course a great machine. I think you would do better figuring out if you want a metered ID machine or not first. Then that would narrow your choices. I like them both, but lately have been using the metered machines more. They do provide a little more information, are accurate, and just as deep as the non-metered ones. But a lot of times I just want to grab the Vaquero or Tejon and just dig everything above where I set the disc. Of course you could get a used Tejon and a used Xterra 70 and have the best of both worlds.

I want to thank everyone and I hope I am making the right choice, but I think I am going with a Nautilus VLF DMC II-B or II-Ba. I am not for sure if you give anything up with the II-Ba but I know it is easier to operate.

The advantages of the IIba over the IIb are for one thing, the coil balance, and the other, no sensitivity adjustment. While I don't think balancing the coil on the IIb is any big deal, not having to do it manually on the IIba saves a step in setup. And while you'll get a little more depth with the sensitivity adjustments on the IIb, I think at times that adjustment hurts because by changing sensitivity, you affect how targets react. It's better for me at least to have the sensitivity adjustments fixed because that allows me to learn the machine in an easier way. When I started playing with the sensitivity on the IIb it messed up what I was hearing. Works great for some people though.

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