I hear that soveriegn is a real go getter and finds stuff pretty deep. I have never used one although I know of a fellow who does. I am not sure which detector you have used in the past but, I have had a few myself. I have used Whites Spectrum Eagles, WHites classics, whites coinmasters, had 2 Tesoros, 2 Fishers, and a Garrett. There were a few things I liked about each one of them, and a couple of things I did not like about them. I bought an Xterra 50 a few months back and got the 10.5" DD med. freq coil and the 6" high freq DD coil for it too. I believe it to be the best machine I have used to date. The reason I am telling you about this one is because I coin and relic hunt too. You do not need a book to learn it and you do not have to go into a program or menu settings to change things either. Everything is at the touch of a button and it runs only on 4 AA batteries. Also has ground balance. I can also say that it has found some keepers from some sites I had thought were cleaned out by me over a year ago. It is just my opinion and I thought I would share it with you in case you have not considered an Xterra series. It is also about 200.00 less than the Soveriegn.