when will it rise


Full Member
Aug 8, 2009
I think I might have asked this question before, but I figure that bringing up old topics doesn't hurt. even if trying to come up with an answer is like beating a dead horse.

I remember reading all this "investors" saying that silver is set to skyrocket in a few years, and that was about two years ago, and every now and then someone makes that same claim.

I want to believe it, and it seems like silver and gold or commodies in general should have spiked by now. I mean how can countries print this much money and not make commodies spike. But if anything silver has dropped by 20 dollars in the last year. I realise it has gone up a few dollars in recent days, but i will bet alot that it is going to loose that gain soon. And i feel like if the fed does qu3 then the price will plumit even further.

What are the opinions out there?

Too many variables to really predict. There is the historic ratio to gold/silver, coupled with industrial needs, as well as investment needs. These three make a whole new ballgame for silver that I don't think any economist can really measure for sure. I am of the belief that it will skyrocket, but as long as central banks work in secrecy, we can't know how they will manipulate markets next, but the thing that I believe is certain is that central banking will not function to the extent that it does today for much longer, and then we can see precious metals perform in a more traditional manner... Just my two silvers...

I had a buddy doubled over with laughter when I told him I was stackin coins at a bbq last night.

He thought I had been listening to too much alex jones, ( which i have basically sworn off due to commercialism, shill factor, and boring show)

But still, how can having some real money ever be wrong?

you'd probably get more opinions in the precious metal section

when will pigs fly

i.e. who knows ..... the only thing in our favor is the "threat" of QE3 , but that is not great for our country either....so its like a double edged sword.

when will pigs fly

i.e. who knows ..... the only thing in our favor is the "threat" of QE3 , but that is not great for our country either....so its like a double edged sword.
As soon as my ex gets wings

Stop looking at prices in terms of dollars but look at them in prices of other commodities (gas, food, time, PMs, etc.) because they aren't as easily manipulated. The weird thing about the dollar is people have been jumping ship from the Euro to the dollar when both are fiat currencies and ultimately cease to become a store of wealth over time but right now the dollar looks "stronger" than the Euro despite them both having a fatal flaw.

When will silver rise? Who knows. Especially if you are measuring things with such a manipulated statistic which is spot prices (paper silver) and a fake, changeable, unit of account (US dollar) it may rise dramatically on paper but not in real life, or it may fall or stay the same on paper but increase dramatically in real life.

What's your definition of "skyrocket"? Silver went from $12 to $45 within a period of two years; personally, I'd call that skyrocketing. It's dropped considerably since then, but has gone up more than 10% in just the last week.

I don't believe it will crack the $50 mark, and I'll sell if it approaches that level again. Still, you never know...

just hold tight. 4 more years on deck. silver will go up. i don't know that it will skyrocket and i'm sure it will have ups and downs, but its going up up up.

I tried adding yeast to my silver and the little shiny *******s didn't rise at all. What gives?

History repeats with respect to what happens to a nation/society when their backed currency or PM currency is transformed over time to fiat. It happened to ancient Rome when their silver denarius went from a near pure silver coin to less than 1 percent silver over time. I don't think it is a coincidence that our huge national debt has grown by 60% during the last 4 years as the amount of cheap money has increased (low or no interest money from the fed, QE, etc).

People who think they will become "rich" from gold and silver today are wrong. Silver and gold will preserve the value of your "money" over time as fiat value crumbles, but it will not make you go from a middle income person to a millionaire. If everyone else around you has lost their money value because they have everything in paper that may cause you to appear "rich" compared to them, but in reality you will have your "money" value preserved and they will be broke. But owning PMs is not like owning some penny stock that skyrockets 10 fold in a month and then you sell (not advocating penny stocks by the way).

Like Charlie says on here often, own PMs to protect yourself from what may happen ahead, not because you think you are going to get rich flipping it. Even if a person triples their money with silver from this point and sells it all, they probably aren't going to get "rich" off that unless they are holding several thousand ounces. Those who just buy an ounce or two of silver here and there will not be much better off than the masses who own none if/when things go south with the economy (more south than they already are that is).

Anyone in this day and age who does not have at least 10% (that is a figure that non gold bug investment advisers use often) of their net wealth in PMs at this point is going to be in bad shape in a few years. I think 10% is too low and would advocate 25% or more, but that is just me.

I believe we are going to see a QE campaign in multiple countries that will last a year or two or three, and during that time stocks will probably go up due to all the new easy money floating around, but at some time the music will end and anything paper without backing will tank.

PMs will be rising too during the QE time and will probably not "collapse" until a new currency is created somewhere that has some type of backing which will make it the premier currency of the world. I don't think that will happen for another 5 or more years but who knows?

The crashing of derivatives is often talked about nowadays, but nobody can really explain how or why they will collapse. All that can be said is that there is at least 750 TRILLION up to 1.2 QUADRILLION worth of derivatives floating around in the world, much not backed by anything at all. It may be possible that these derivatives holders can reduce some of their negative exposure by playing the other side of their derivatives' trades. But that just adds to the already too huge amount of derivatives out there, even though it may reduce some potential down side to the derivatives holder.

Just my opinion.


PM will always rise and fall. Buy when you can, all you can. The only thing that is certain is that in the future it will most likely be higher than today.

Got 15 years to accumulate all that I can. I try to get 20 - 30 oz's a month but have fallen just a tad bit short lately due to surgery costs.
I see Gold and Silver being safe havens for many years to come. The times when your mother and father both worked and had lots
of play toys are over. This upcoming generation will never see things the way that us (I put myself in this category) backend baby boomers
had. Those people that are 50 and over are already seeing the changes taking place in our country, they will never go back to what it
was. Stay focused and keep your eyes open, you never know when an opportunity will arise.

Keep Hoarding.

Got 15 years to accumulate all that I can. I try to get 20 - 30 oz's a month but have fallen just a tad bit short lately due to surgery costs.
I see Gold and Silver being safe havens for many years to come. The times when your mother and father both worked and had lots
of play toys are over. This upcoming generation will never see things the way that us (I put myself in this category) backend baby boomers
had. Those people that are 50 and over are already seeing the changes taking place in our country, they will never go back to what it
was. Stay focused and keep your eyes open, you never know when an opportunity will arise.

Keep Hoarding.

Very well said!


I never put a value on silver money as it's not a great idea if you know what's coming down the road in this world. Dollars are fiat currency and it's going to take a lot off them to buy your groceries but one dime may buy you a loaf of bread WTSHTF. If your in it for Fiat dollars then I feel for you as your gambling with your life just like the Elite are gambling with ours. Just Keep Stacking whenever you can afford it and you may save your families life.
When I buy Silver, (yes I look for the best price and under spot if possible) I'm buying it for Survival and I ONLY sell when I need Fiat dollars to pay bills (DEBT). All my funds (now and to come) are in Silver because I know the Fiat dollar is weakening rapidly well below the price of silver because the printing of it is never ending and there's a hell off a lot more to come.
Silver will keep moving up in value no matter what until they stop Printing. ( The more they print the less purchasing power the dollar has) Keep Stacking and Do It For Survival and not your wallet. IMO

Marchas, under what circumstance do you see people trading in silver? If the SHTF, and the food supply has been disrupted, you can be sure I will not take any amount of silver in trade for my food. I think many of you with fantasies of trading for goods with silver or other PMs during an economic/societal collapse are in for a rude awakening. It may happen on small tight knit communities, but on a large scale, unless you have connections to the outside world you will not be able to use your PMs in daily commerce. My opinion, of course.

Let me try and explain without the "World Will End" scenario that everyone enjoys hearing.
What was the price of gas per gallon in 1969? Answer, between 23 and 25 cents. What is a silver quarter worth right now, about $6.00 as of this moment in time. Gas here is almost $4.00
a gallon and could be bought with 1 silver quarter.
Guess that is the way that I look at it, don't know about anybody else though. :laughing7:

All you "city folk" also need to realize that there are LOTS of rural and smaller towns with people who have several acres of personal gardens. These people have surplus food every year. These are the most of the people you see at farmers' markets. Surplus of food means you can trade or sell the excess. If the 1 ina million chance happens and EVERYTHING collapses, they can charge whatever they want for thier excess. gold rings for preserves, silver coins for flour, gold coins for meat.

What will be more important to you then, your wedding band or eating for couple more weeks? Hunters, fishers, and farmers will become the most important people.

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