
That sounds like a very high percentage of wheaties too me... Sounds more like the percentage of my pull-tab finds... ;D How long has it taken you to get 15 rolls, I have been detecting for a little over 6 months, and have 76 wheaties, as of date... Seems like if the wheaties are there, the silver should be also...

Sounds like your hitting good sites. With such a loopsided find ratio, you've discovered a unusual site. I'd have to agree with leon there's silver in there somewhere. I'd keep digging.


Awesome site. There oughtta be silver nearby. I did about a seven block stretch of street/curb/sidewalk rework one time and got more wheaties and IH's than I could count or so it seemed. But there was also a lot of silver and a few nice tokens along the path and very little clad. Those sites are a riot!

I was beginning to think that at some point in the past, a lot of the buggy and early auto drivers used that stretch to toss their unwanted pocket change, as we find with some of the modern cent drop spots. While I'm sure that's not it, it's fun to speculate. Keep it up and recheck all those wheaties for the key dates!

its an old site that once was used for the carnival here in this small town, dated back to the 1883. i guess that i am one of the luckyones, some find more silver andclad i seem to find the wheaties. i guess i should have made some pic of them befor i rolled them. but did you look at my other finds. the half and quarter.

I love wheats, they are the best some can eb quite valuble! try looking for tehse dates: 1909 1914 1943 1955 and couple others i ca't remember the 1955 can be quite valuable if it is a dubble die! try looking for those, HH CS

Coin_saver must be a mind reader!! As I was reading this thread, I was wondered what was so special about U.S. wheat pennys.. Everytime I count out my cash register at the end of the day (or week depending how busy it is)
I throw all the U.S. change into a box under the counter.. At last check, I had about 18 bucks worth (thats about 900 Canadian I think..ha..) Anyway, I have a assortment of 'wheaties' collected, and always wondered what all the hubbub was about.. Seems to me, I used to see silver coloured ones at one time (zinc?) I even found a 1894 Indian head, but not in very good condition- a lot of wear.. now that I know what dates to look for, I'll give the ole U.S. change bucket another looksee

Ive been hearing alot of stories of people here in missouri buring alot of money during the depression, because they didnt trust the banks, you may be diggin up someones anti bank stash.. pennies were big money at one time... I cant seem to find anything but Junk, IE: nails, horse shoes ect....Hoping to come across some civil war relics the town i live in was the site of a large civil war battle rumors have it the confederate army buried 15 cases of rifles... wish me luck....lol

Theres a 1943 wheatie worth 20-40k if it was in circulation

SOrry for the double post I had a brain fart on the last one and forgot to ask. Where would one sell wheaties or any of the coins found? I don't really plan on selling the stuff just would like to know where to look in case i have to?

I sold a jar of 1000 wheats at a Flea Market this past Fall, for $35.00

Well that settles it... I ain't gonna get rich on my Wheat pennys.. ha..
I also have a couple of 1921 Morgan dollars (one is 'S' the other has no mark) and a 1923 peace dollar..
an 1892 5 pesetas Spanish silver coin and a 190-something (it's worn off) Canadian dime, but I doubt if their worth a whole lot either!

I'm still looking for 1922 PJ. Check your old piles of wheaties and send all 1922 plain janes my way. I'll give you more money in cents for them than I can count on either hand. Promise!

After reading some of these post I had to check mine.I have 1916's.'17's,18's,'41's,'42,s,'44's,'45's,50's,52's,53's,56's,and 58's. All but the valuable ones. Oh well I guess I need to keep digging!!! ;D H.H.

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