What's the procedure for getting a claim that is late for fees in Sept?
I realize this is a really touchy subject on this forum and I'm not trying to be the bad guy here, but if I can get my former claim back via this method then so be it. The owners have had it for over 15 years and not so much as turned a shovel on it (which is a REAL hot button issue with me). Nowadays claimable land is a tiny fraction of what it was 165 years ago and there is a whole lot more people now than back then to compete for it.
I went on the BLM Website and the only subject in relation to this is if your Co-owner of the claim fails to pay the fees how you can take the claim over. I didn't find it on Land Matters though I know Clay that you of all people made darn sure to put it on the site, just can't seem to find it.
I will look forward to hearing from my fellow miners and I thank you in advance. Signed, Sadder but wiser.
I realize this is a really touchy subject on this forum and I'm not trying to be the bad guy here, but if I can get my former claim back via this method then so be it. The owners have had it for over 15 years and not so much as turned a shovel on it (which is a REAL hot button issue with me). Nowadays claimable land is a tiny fraction of what it was 165 years ago and there is a whole lot more people now than back then to compete for it.
I went on the BLM Website and the only subject in relation to this is if your Co-owner of the claim fails to pay the fees how you can take the claim over. I didn't find it on Land Matters though I know Clay that you of all people made darn sure to put it on the site, just can't seem to find it.
I will look forward to hearing from my fellow miners and I thank you in advance. Signed, Sadder but wiser.
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