What would you do?


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Mar 19, 2003
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Golden Thread
Northern Hemisphere
Primary Interest:
Cache Hunting
Hypothetically speaking of course. ;)

If you knew where a LARGE treasure was hidden on private land, and that land was just sold to developers who will simply bulldoze the site to build houses, what would you do .... if you had VERY little time to act?

... and there was one small problem... it was in a sealed up underground room, and removal would be difficult...

would you contact the developers?

would you drive through a fence with a backhoe?

I say keep it on the down-low -- no need to alert developers -- private residents may be another issue -- developer is just in it for the money and would gladly step on you for a dime.

I would see if I could get into myself (with trusted helpers) first,quick and without any attention...if not , I would talk to the contracting bulldozer man.....One of the contracters are bound to find it..either by digging the basements etc....Or if you really knew where it was exactly...be the first to buy the lot...then sell it again

....Or if you really knew where it was exactly...be the first to buy the lot...then sell it again
A) I would check it out if possible, then once it is established that it IS there, do as Gypsy suggested. You prob. could buy it without immediate cash. Once under contract the land is yours even if no devlopment work has started, and as such you have perfect legal right to check it out.

Under no circumstances should you enter with machinery etc without permision, since then you would be commiting an illegal trespass and you would lose all rghts to anything that you may find. If you removed above a certain amount of money, you would slip into a felony charge

Of course, as a last resort, you could approach one of the principals

If you insist on doing anything illegal, I would reccommend asking Capt Sossi to join you , he is well versed and experienced. in this type of illegal venture. heheheh.

Till Eulenspigle de La Mancha

I have an attorney draw up a contract to divide the treasure fairly amongst the property owners and the treasure hunter. Then I'd dig the site using the developers time and equipment. Rules out any future law suits etc. Share the pie.
Cappy Z.

A) Unfortunately most developers are a group and to get all to agree?? For a few 100 dollars they could hire a detectorist to run the property ---hmm, there is a Idea, approach them with an offer to run the property before any heavy work done. DO NOT mention that you know of a treasure. usual contract and permission of course.

Till Eulenspigle de La Mancha

CaptainZossima ]
Aren't you suppose to be out digging for treasure?
Get the shovel, and MOVE IT !!!
Cap Z.
A) I would , I would, bestest buddy, I really would, but unfortunately I have never found a shovel that fit comfortably in my delicate hands soooo.

Till Elenspiegle de La Mancha
JudyH said:
Midnight foray to scatter a few potshards and arrowheads.....early morning call to the local BLM....all development will be temporarily halted.
Move in under cover of darkness...retrieve treasure.....next day,Archies and developers will be too busy blaming each other for the desecration to even notice you.

Midnight foray to scatter a few potshards and arrowheads.....early morning call to the local BLM....all development will be temporarily halted.
Move in under cover of darkness...retrieve treasure.....next day,Archies and developers will be too busy blaming each other for the desecration to even notice you.
A) HMMMM remind me to review your geological assessment reports more carefully in the future B&B.


Till Eulenspigle de La Mancha

Um...that was purely hypothetical...of course... ;) :-X

A) Of course, of course B&B , never doubted you (???) am I under oath?


Till Eulenspiegle de La Mancha

I suppose it would depend on how large the area is,
where it could be.

Hypothetically speaking, would I know How deep also ?

If Yes, I knew Exactly where to dig,
And the area is secluded. and the target
is within a depth I could get at with a Spade,
I'd dig a 4' X 4' Hole to it. Then I'd Find a way
To Chisel / Cut through, and remove everything
under Cover of Dark.

If I Knew the General Area, But Not exactly were, or how deep,
Or if the area is not the type of place where sneaking in is
an option, I would wait till I see the First Crews coming in.
Ask Permission to Dig around, If it's just the Permission
Thing. (this may or may not work. Some Landowners
May be leery, that archeological finds on site, could
shut things down). Although Crews May say, Weekends
Only, When they Arn't working. Now, IF all I knew is
that it's there, Or permission was Denied, I'd ask
the Back Hoe operator, IF he wants to hear a story.
then I'd tell him I have Good reason to Believe I
Know where, but without an Airtight Contract, It
will stay. If he is Hesitant, thinking he can find it
without What I know, I'd assure him, The Area will
not be dug into, by the crew, and the ONLY way it
will come to light, is with My Info. even IF I knew

If all I know is it's on the Property, the Most I can hope
for is to Get that permission so I can try and Locate it,
or Hope they hit it at the end of a day, and head home,
not realizing what they got. in which case, I'd be there
watching from afar, every day.

IF you are 100% certain the cache is there and hasn't been recovered, then you will have to approach the owners and hope for the best. I don't see many other courses of action.

It would probably have to be pretty substantial to get them to delay development during a search as the costs for their project will escalate each day. So lay it out, draw up a proposal, and try not to give away too much info, all without sounding like a crackpot... maybe you'll get "lucky" and they'll let ya have a crack at it.

I am still thinking if they are building houses on these sites....buy the lot....tell the developer you want nothing done...except possible existing house removed...then you have free rein to do what you want!!!Get the treasure ...resell lot back to developer or new person... or learn how to drive a bulldozer real quick and try to blend in with the rest of the crew....or surveyor equipment..orange vest...City water and sewer vest...Hazardous Material Removal....Wear white suits...gas masks....hire a truck ...no one will bother you.....place yellow tape around your site ..... ;)


Sheehs Gypsy. you sound too expeirenced, I have a feeling that you and Bestest buddy Capt Sozzi (pancho)are birds of a feather sigh, gimme bk my morgage. hehehe

Till Eulenspiegle de La Mancha

p.s. of course you could just dress up in white coveralls and Gold hard hat, then just go about detecting quite openly, no-one would give you a second glance since there are many others doing the their thing at the same time and no-one keeps track of them.

sheeesh, I am thinking like Capt Sozzi (pancho) now .

Okay after writing 3 paragraphs worth of reply,I skimmed over other responses in the process of writng and deleted it all.I'll now just say I gotta agree with jeff of pa.

RealdeTayopa said:

Sheehs Gypsy. you sound too expeirenced, I have a feeling that you and Bestest buddy Capt Sozzi (pancho)are birds of a feather sigh, gimme bk my morgage. hehehe

Till Eulenspiegle de La Mancha

p.s. of course you could just dress up in white coveralls and Gold hard hat, then just go about detecting quite openly, no-one would give you a second glance since there are many others doing the their thing at the same time and no-one keeps track of them.

sheeesh, I am thinking like Capt Sozzi (pancho) now .
Hey I thought we were all talking "hypothetically" here! We are arent we? ;)

I'd say Hotrod has said it all! ( you know location of vault you say.) Buy the lot now before building on it starts. the again the builder may not want to sell the lot, figuring he can make more money building a house on it? Then you and possably investors buy the house on it later? ( you know that there is likely a large treasure there?) Any other way likely you'll loose. If lot build a temp. storage shed and dig like crazy.

Monk, you may be right. Thanks for the advice.

It's frustrating when you KNOW where something is, and can't afford to secure it.

I was hoping TreasureNet would make enough money by now to allow me to succeed at my (22 year) personal project. I may very well have ran out of time. (and money) :(

Maybe it's time to tell "the rest of the story"... it IS a fascinating story... it's gonna be a real shame if bulldozers destroy things (or accidentally find things!).

...more to come soon.... I'm sure. :(

It's frustrating when you KNOW where something is, and can't afford to secure it.
A) Welcome to the realistic part of treasure hunting. Unfortunately this happens all too many times,
I certainly know from personal experience..

I was hoping TreasureNet would make enough money by now to allow me to succeed at my (22 year)
personal project. I may very well have ran out of time. (and money) :(
A) Unfortunately I know just exactly how you feel. Marc. I assumed that it was your story when
you first posted.

Perhaps you can get a group in here to back you as a communal TH project. Any true hunters
out there with a bit of gambling capital?

Knowing Marc as we do. I have no doubts on his story, nor him. So Ladies/guys, If you can raise
the money for improvements in this Site, surely you can invest a bit in your future, maybe even
an early retiremet ?

Remember MEL FISHER was in the same situation, and look what happened to his investors..
Maybe it's time to tell "the rest of the story"... it IS a fascinating story... it's gonna be a real
shame if bulldozers destroy things (or accidentally find things!).

A) I agree.

Till Eulenspiegle de La Mancha

always try it above the table....if you KNOW you are right try on buying the land...if you can't ,try talking to them on a '' what if '' basis, in casual conversation not giving anything away to see how they might react........all above failing i would arrive very early on a sunday morning or possibly late friday evening {as all will be in a hurry to leave with their check to go party},,, blend in with the environment, look like you belong, a trackhoe/front end loader and a dump truck, and have at it......while i am a strong believer in karma, i also know that digging something up on land that actually was stolen from indians, and the burial put down by people long gone, its just waiting there for the one thats smart enough or lucky enough to find it and get it out of the ground......so you have to ask yourself '' do i want someone to just stumble upon it or cover it for eternity with a building/parking lot/road, or do i want to take a chance ?? personally i like taking chances................gldhntr

Mark, Maybe it would be a good idea to go now to the top of vault and get a GPS on location, before things are changed so much you may loose track of the location. This way you'll alway have the key to it.
Plus maybe you can go to the builder and get an eye on the layout of the project and see if anythings is to be built over the vault? Then you will have a better idea how to proceed. And before making any moves think each one through, one bad one may cost you all. Good Luck.

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