Got permission to hunt a house from 1894 and found this items wonder anyone else seen this type of pin and is it old. Also found what I believe is a old button.
Hey Jim, Your pin may commemorate an event held at Saddle mountain (look how it is carved) that occurred in 1962. The pin and catch on the back are from that era. I have seen the same type of pin and catches on police and fire badges from the 1950's-60's. Did you find it in Grant County, or near Saddle mountain in New Mexico? It also appears to be hand made from a silver may be that the maker found a coin there and mad jewelry out of it...Cool find, Sub
Thanks for the info yea found it in Dona Ana county the building used for cummunity functions in 1920s thru 1970s and during ww2 was used as a war bonds rally. Whats cool us its yr was born 1962