Clf_02 wrote:
> Only thing I could find like it in pics was a picket bullet.
When I first saw your bullet and wrote my previous reply to you, I immediately thought "Picket bullet" -- but as you are discovering, every Picket bullet shown in the various bullet-books (M&M, T&T, etc) has a distinctlve pointy nose, or a flat-tipped nose. Yours doesn't. So I excluded a Picket identification, and went looking through the books for any bullet with a solid flat base, no rings/grooves, and a tapering body, "about" the size of yours. Despite all that searching on your gehalf, the .44 Starr was the only close match. But then you provided your bullet's actual measurement, whereas previously all I had to go on for size was the .44 cartridge in your photos.
> It that what it is or any other ideas?
There is such a thing as a .36 Starr (diameter .387"), but its length (.59") seems to be shorter than yours. The photos show your bullet's body is significantly corroded in places, but its nose-tip doesn't look like a pointed one that corroded off. Perhaps one of the other ID-helpers here can come up with a cartridge-bullet match I've never seen. (I've been doing this for nearly 40 years, but I don't believe I've seen everything there is to see.) Good luck to you in your ID-search. I've done all I can do for you.