I was sitting in my living room minding my own business and I looked over (thank God) and saw this hideous spider. I AM TERRIFIED OF SPIDERS!!! I quickly grabbed my cat Skippy and threw him at it and even he wanted nothing to do with it. It was the kind that are really quick and turn their body wherever you move. It was very confrontational to say the least. At one point it looked like it was rearing up to fight me. I was shaking so badly that I couldn't get a clear photo from 20 feet away with the zoom on my camera. The photos I took were from on top of my coffee table across the room. I ran to my neighbors house and she came over and killed it. I screamed the whole time. There was no way I was going to bed tonight knowing that thing was in my house. Can anyone make out what kind it is (was)? I am certain it would have killed me in my sleep.