I appreciate the input folks!
I figured a buckle cover as well, but upon seeing the picture of the same one above my post with them BOTH being broken at the same point, I didn't want to rule anything else out just yet.
I've seen VERY similar size/shape iron pieces on 1900-1930s farm equipment... Such as the crude handle/handgrips on cultivator depth trusses, and even the occasional hood latches on old Allis-Chalmers tractors and the like from the 50s.
Thanks again for the input!
Other cool finds in MY book are the dozens of .30 and .32 cal RIMFIRE (yea, the .22 rimfire wasn't the only one!) cartridges and .25-20 shells. And of course ya gotta love the .50-70s and 90s!!!!!
And as usual, hundreds of 1890s-1926 era shotgun headstamps. They are of the pull tab frequency a lot of y'all suffer! Except I don't mind digging THEM! Haha!
They are all common finds with the exception of the Sharps (a lot less frequent), but that was back when the rifle and shotgun served a purpose... Seems nowadays that all these punks and fancy pretty boys want the newest piece of crap synthetic firearms.... Not many enjoy the timeless beauty of a Winchester 94 with wood stocks or the like!
As dad would say, "Damned Heathens!"