I’ve looked online everywhere and can’t find a name for it.
Also I heard leaving stones exposed to the night sky recharges them. Does bad weather have an effect on them. I appreciate the help.
1st - I noticed this was your very first post - so, Welcome Aboard Jamesdean420! You didn't list your state (or country) in your profile. So, you might consider jumping over to Sub-Forums: Select Your Area.... and selecting location information (i.e., clubs, hunts, finds, legends, maps, etc.) directly related to your state (or country). You might also consider adding your state (or country) to your displayed profile (SETTINGS -> EDIT PROFILE) so if you ask a question, etc. - people may have more success helping you (if necessary)...
2nd - I moved from General Discussion over to Forum: Rocks/Gems for more exposure.
Unusual looking stone. Let's try this. Expose it to the night sky tonight, and let us know if it's all charged up. My last suggestion went away, like magic!