What is it


Feb 12, 2020
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Golden Thread
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All Treasure Hunting
What is it found it in a area where Indian tribes and the creek Indians settled found this on the surface is it related to the creek Indians or Indian tribes it dosent beep on the metal detector and or does no make any sound what type of material is this? What is the white thing in picture 16? If it is Indian what was it used for? Man made hand made? I love the black and brown on the flat sides see picture 1 and 2.to see how beautiful what is that black and brown? 20210114_005103.webp20210114_005122.webp20210114_005137.webp20210114_005202.webp20210114_005215.webp20210114_005234.webp20210114_005241.webp20210114_005245.webp20210114_005250.webp20210114_005255.webp20210114_005259.webp20210114_005335.webp20210114_005341.webp20210114_005400.webp20210114_005415.webp20210114_005431.webp

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Welcome to TreasureNet.

I have no clue what you have found.... But that is probably now the best picture documented rock on Tnet.

Can't say you did not post clear pictures of detail from / of all angles... well done on that part. :)

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I vote banner for "best pictures of a rock ever on Tnet".



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One very well photo documented Rock specimen. I’m going to add NOS. New Old Stock?

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About all I can add is the white thing in Pic #16 is a 1978 US quarter... JK
Can't help, best guess is it's sedimentary.

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Can you move the quarter in pic #63 and take that one again?

Edit: Never mind. I see you've got it covered in pics 24,25 33, 37 and 42. Thanks.

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I'm just having a little fun. I must say, you have thoroughly photographed that specimen. I'll leave it to people smarter than me (nearly everyone) to determine whether you have an artifact or a leaverite.

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It reminds me of a chevy truck. Bob Seger.

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