What is it? How old is it estimate what type of metal Hand forged ?


Feb 12, 2020
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All Treasure Hunting
What is it? How old is it estimate what type of metal Hand forged ? Is it modern or old.
Found this next to a 10 to 15 year old tree at a 1940s hotel site. 20210112_184510.webp20210112_184504.webp20210112_184522.webp20210112_184740.webp20210112_185526.webp20210112_185540.webp

Marijuana pipe.

Open it up it may still have some in it. heh

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I agree with AARC! That is exactly my first thought when I looked at the pictures.

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Well, that was NOT my first thought.
Me being a good Christian boy and all that..... :)

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How old is it estimate?

No telling... looks like its been down awhile though... doubt if anything inside would be still "viable".

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My wife and I were visiting her relatives about thirty miles southwest of Gillette, Wyoming one summer years ago. If you've ever been out that way you know it's desolate country with sage brush and oil wells. I got bored and went for a walk always looking at the ground for rattle snakes and Indian artifacts. I was surprised when I found a marijuana pipe in the middle of nowhere.

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Brass CO2 Fire extinguisher valve...


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Unscrew the top, fill the bowl, screw the top back on, flame through the small hole. herb stays put for later enjoyment.

Love finding tokers!

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If you are outside getting high and big brother see's you and starts coming after you, you don't want to (can't!) get caught, you bury the evidence.

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Clean it up and ask Terry to send you some doobee to test drive it.

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I've found two of them. One on beach, one in water. Also found a one hit coke spoon. My brother used to make them in metal shop in HS.

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