What in the hell happened here?


Jr. Member
Apr 29, 2014
Primary Interest:
Haven't been on in a while, but everything I'm reading is from some environmental tree hugger ?... F-them!.... I like to come here and read about others and their finds , is this not a free country anymore? Wtf? Can we not look for gold anymore? Did I miss something?... I'm a dredger and will kick the sh$t out of the first enviro person that ever starts his crap with me out in the woods!

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The problem is they don't mess with us directly. They do it second hand through the laws and regs. I'm sure if they did few would put up with.

No environuts will directly mess with you like mxer47 stated
Instead they will see you and cry a little, then hug a few trees, then climb into their Prius and report your ass.
Most hippies are too docile to go toe to toe and besides that you can usually smell them coming from all the patchouli.

No environuts will directly mess with you like mxer47 stated
Instead they will see you and cry a little, then hug a few trees, then climb into their Prius and report your ass.
Most hippies are too docile to go toe to toe and besides that you can usually smell them coming from all the patchouli.

Don't think it's the hippies ya need to worry about; it's the briefcase carrying
grad's from colleges run by environmental preservationists that are the
problem. For some reason these people seem to think they have the right
to tell everyone else how they should live, and having the legal education
they know how to manipulate the courts to force their preservationist
ideals on the rest of society.

These would be the children and grandchildren of the aforementioned hippies.

And they have figured out how to make a living taking your rights away. I have been involved on a very limited basis in trying to fight for our rights and it is amazing how much TIME it takes!! They get paid.......can afford to spend the time,,,,billable hours......it all comes down to electing people in every office who dont want to take your freedoms. Poeple who will put jobs, poeple and common sense first. People who will study the science and not worry aabout the may-might-could harm b.s.Its a long hard slog ahead of us but we have to keep at it

There are a lot pf valid points in the area of environmentalism
And i think them and miners can get along...


Haven't been on in a while, but everything I'm reading is from some environmental tree hugger ?... F-them!.... I like to come here and read about others and their finds , is this not a free country anymore? Wtf? Can we not look for gold anymore? Did I miss something?... I'm a dredger and will kick the sh$t out of the first enviro person that ever starts his crap with me out in the woods!

Heeeey Man, calm down. My great Grandpa ElderTree taught me to love nature man, I mean really LOVE IT.


Welcome to the brave new world of neo nazi radical enviromentalism. Sue sue sue and you too can become rich and powerful. If you don't work 9-5 they want to kill off your rights and put ya where they can keep a eye on ya. Being a free miner,logger or fishermen who makes a living off of natures bounty is being criminalized at a ungodly rate. Do this,don't do that and they want to pave the forest,put in a parking lot and change ya to look at mother natures delights. sic sic sic world-John

Those of us who work late into the season have a bigger target on our backs. The only good thing of it is the water is higher and less turbidity. I'm not trying to be a greenie but why does a place like Hanford get to leak death into the Columbia and only get charged 10k per week. Sending death down river all the way to the sea and beyond. The city of Portland every time it rains and it rains a lot here dumps millions of gal of raw sewage into the Willamette River and no fine at all. I go dredging and any noticeable turbidity past 300ft gets me a huge fine! Best yet they get to monitor me for days or weeks at a time and the fines are per day. If you get popped and can't pay I'm sure they will take your claim. In the end that's probably the goal of it all. They're gonna shut down all our districts one by one and sell them to the Chinese to pay off our debt. They will strip mine our land and there is nothing we can do about it. I've been working in my district as a claim owner for over 5 years and I'm still an outsider. There are people up there that are pretty scary, pity the fool who gets caught taking pictures of them working. Long way from town and all miners know how to dig a hole.

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