what I found today


Full Member
Dec 29, 2004
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Garrett Ace 250
not much to brag about but hey better than nothin!
lets see i got an old metal plane ( well not THAT old but still cool)
a "hot rock"
and the last two are interesting
just laying in a big open field where nothing ever was or used to be ( to my knowledge ) was this square nail and this square peice of iron .... they were layin pretty close together
any ideas?


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very cool KARA, your on your way :)

HA! trash my treasure NOT LIKELY!
thanks for the kind words fellas :)

square nails are always a good indicator that your on an old site.I'd keep hitting the field,as even the way the square nails where made can help date a site,but further searching is necessary.Your on your way to becoming a relic hunter yee haw.

You can make some nice displays of nails and other relics. Also a toy display would be cool when you get some more. If you get enough hot rocks you can display them also. What is a hot rock. Haven't seen to many of them here in Florida. Could it be a meteorite. HH.

I'm pretty shure its a hunk of lead

Nice finds.

I'd take some time and try and reasearch that plane,....to date it. Could be pretty old, or newer. It would be fun to find out about it.

Keep diggin'


hahahaha thanks daniel
as for the hot rock the hopes of it being a meteorite sure got me excited but then it didnt pass the scratch test :( im pretty sure its just a big hunk o lead oh well it goes in my treasure chest anyway :)

as for the nail and the square peice of iron..... there was nothing ever built on that field nor has there been which is why i found it so strange that those two peices be laying out in the field about 2 inches apart with no other hits in the field at all... :-\ ???

jeff and i think the plane is from the 50's too though im gonna try and research it :) i likes it lots :)

he plane is a heavy metal, they don't make 'em like that any more :)

okay well the best i can come up with is late 40's early 50s
on the back middle it says ZERO..... on the top right wing it says sun air racing ...... its got what looks to be like a japanese sun on either side of the top middle plane though the red has faded out on the top right wing it says N864 R? ?then on the botoom left it says hong kong
anyone who can help me figure this out ?

Yep, one of those converted Japanese airplanes lost in the Bermuda Triangle no doubt! Well maybe just a touch of doubt, hey good digging!

hey guys thanks for all your help!
:) you ALL get? a big wet kiss from me! ;D

Kara....Promises promises :-) re: the nail and stuff in the field ...could it have aever been a small private dump site? you know the field better thatn I just wondering.

no, the dump was on the other side of the farm, there were no other targets in the field at all other than those two things....
as for my promises the moderator thinks its funny to change my post... that kiss for everyone is supposed to be from jeff BUT! since it says me now, ill make a deal and give you all lots of hugs :)
big hugs :)

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