what have U used that works well on flour G


Bronze Member
Feb 19, 2005
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Golden Thread
Menominee, Michigan
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I'm in the U.P. of Michigan and wonder what you have used, that works best on flour gold, we have a lot of black sand with some real find gold, dredges or high bankers brands?for the streams. found a little gold in the tailing's from one mine, not impressive, a buddy found another mine and crushed some tailing with fools gold, when panned said he got a decent amount of gold out of it, there is going to be a big mining boom here in the next couple years, one company is trying to get its permits now, many people fighting it but if it goes through, i think many companys are waiting because of the new Michigan regulations. the first company is set up for 6 more mines in
Marquette and Baraga countys, another one here in Menominee is doing a lot of test drilling, a buddy [cop] talked to the drillers an was told this mine will be one of the biggest gold strikes in the states in a long time, but its under a popular lake, camp and camping area, anyways I'm planning on hitting the streams with the continued searching the woods for the old mines and gold

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I have the Honcoop HB-17 not given it a try yet, my pump broke. :'(
You might want to look at the "popandson fine gold sluice" free plans on how to build your own.

P&S has specified feed rate and some other stuff for you take a good look at that post. :)

It comes down to the point of dimmininshing returns. At what point are you starting from, amount of material to work, vs the amount of gold you get.

The p&s sluice is the best for a sluice box as is the LeTrap sluices. Now if your dredging, I'd say an over under setup would work the best for the finer gold.A good single box sluice can also be set up this way too. My friend ponyboy, has made some killer dredges for fine gold.(No he's not making them anymore dang it)

As for cleanup, first step classify, second step classify, you get the drift. Then I use my green bowl. Woks great. I recover 100- mesh consistently.

What I plan on doing is making a ballmill, crushing all my cons to talcum powder and running them slowly thru a p&s cleanup sluice and firing the super cons. I had the idea before I saw this vid

The only diffrence is I'll fire the supercons rather than using a shaker table.


thanks for the info, not sure about the mesh size of the gold, something i will have to learn this summer. but plan on a 3" dredge, going to try to build one of the tube type, i will not use any chemicals, even though i have acess to mercury. at least hazardus chems

thanks for the site au seeker, more to think about, well i have 4 months anyway till the snow melts, anyone attempt to build a dredge simular to the gold bazooka?
when i was about 13 my grandpa needed to put in a new shallow well. my dad picked up a drill, that looked like an ice auger, but pumped water down the drill bit. this was done inside a 4 in. cassing, that had to be smashed down as we drilled, and the dirt ran out the top of the cassing. when we got down around 17ft. we started getting alot of the black sand, then the gold dust, my brother and i were pretty excited, gramps was "screw that gold we have to get this well down" , after that ive always been intrested in that special glitter.

needel that idea of useing the saw for a jig action is ingenious! i use a hydrojig that i made todo the same thing on my dredge! the jig action is just like tapping your pan to move the gold.

needle Could you show us some more pics on the riffels? It looks like an interesting design.

Needle please do so. I'm interested in recovery stuff so the riffles are a major part... :)


Hi needle the Nomad matting does a great difference at least for me. I really recommend you to try it. ;)

I see you use quite "large" expanded metal try to get some really fine stuff and thin (I've got thin enough to cut with scissors) and put it UNDER the large expanded in my old highbanker (gold buddy v1250) it made a huge difference on how much fine gold i recovered.
I'll see if I can get pics of it for you.(of this fine expanded I'm taking about) ;)


I have heard of the DFS ( Damn Fine Sluice ) sluice works great on fine gold. I personally have never tryed it but have read online that they have found alot of fine gold with it. Here is the site for more info. The sluice has no riffles !!! http://www.damnfinesluice.com/

Good Luck !

ChrisGa said:
I have heard of the DFS ( Damn Fine Sluice ) sluice works great on fine gold. I personally have never tryed it but have read online that they have found alot of fine gold with it. Here is the site for more info. The sluice has no riffles !!! http://www.damnfinesluice.com/

Good Luck !
It has expanded metal of some sort which probably just as riffles creates a vortex the only diffence is that larger rocks pass over more easily and there are rather "small" and more vortexes in the expanded as 1 riffle mostly makes 1 vortex while the expanded would make "many" vortexes.
You might wanna look into cleangold sluices.

I'm charging my batteries for the camera you might get those pics of that fine expanded I was talking about today.



Here is the fine expanded I talked about, put something like that under your larger expanded it is very flat and so cna be put under the riffles as well.

What da LL--I thought this thread was about recovering small gold from a dredge and all this rube goldburg doodads shows up?? Go with a simple over under or 3 way and you'll be a much wealthier miner.USE dredge riffles,over good raised nap outdoor carpet,good over/under/flairjet --keep it simple.When you get it(cons) then play all winter with the doodads to your hearts delight-DON'T WASTE A SECOND DURING YOUR SHORT DEMENTED DREDGE SEASON!! # 1 rule-Tons a au 2 u 2-John

Hey John my dredging season is as long as I can stand in the water! ;D
Oh and if you have not noted IT IS WINTER! ;D ;D

Hey Needle you can add our rube goldburg doodads again. ;D
Was the pics good enough Needle?

Good if you can find something similar try to put it under the large expanded and/or the riffles with expanded under. ;)

With a normal car mat it improves the recovery for me.

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