I have been doing some research on ghost towns and have noticed some interesting things that have contributed to a towns decline. Industry most of the time has a big impact on a towns growth or longevity. Location also has a big impact on their survivability. Water and food, in the past have been big factors, as have raw materials. In looking at some of them, there is no one thing that is responsible for their demise. It seems that several factors contribute to causing a town to become desolate. I have noticed that in my area some small towns are in the process of becoming a ghost town unless circumstances change. Most were doing alright until the interstate or main highway system was rerouted around them. Now without the influx of traffic, they are slowly dying. When looking at other towns all over the US, there seems to be no pattern to their survival or extinction. In the waestern states most were started because of silver, gold or other metals. When these ran out the people moved on to other towns where they could find work. Some were abandonded because of no water or drought which dried up all available water. There are ghost towns in almost all the states. With the current state of economy, many others are dwindling in population as people loose their jobs and move into other areas or other states looking for employment. rockhound