what are these?


Bronze Member
Nov 29, 2012
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The 3rd one is a key :) Nice finds! Sorry I could only I.D. 1. HH

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Lol I know it's a key I just wondering what type... :-)

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First one is part of a Defiance Brand shotgun shell.

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#1 looks like the metal end of a shotgun shell?
#2 ?
#3 Is the type of key used on older gumball machines
#4 Link from a larger chain?
#4 Looks like the loop from a canvass or leather item

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its looks like a post office key or a safety deposit box key the 2nd pic looks like a radiator cap maybe cant really tell with nothin beside it to compare the size with

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its looks like a post office key or a safety deposit box key the 2nd pic looks like a radiator cap maybe cant really tell with nothin beside it to compare the size with

If you use the size of the shotgun shell end and the pattern on the background as scale #2 looks about right size for radiator cap. Could be right there.

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Are #4 and #5 the same object taken from different sides? Looks like a grommet of some sort to me.

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Yea side 1 and 2, what's a grommet?

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In your case, a grommet is what would go around a hole in a tarp or canvas where a hold-down was needed. Whatever was being covered would have a corresponding post with a twist head on it.

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It holds a separate thin piece inside of it...

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Yep. Might have had a third piece too if it is in fact a grommet. The multiple pieces are used to pinch the fabric and hold it in place.

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Great thanks for the ID, was hoping the key was to a old car... how old is the bullet shell?

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I agree with wvwildman that the key looks like it's to an old postal box or lock box. Hard to say on the shell. Maybe someone with expertise in ammo can tell us.

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Kind thanks again

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Shotgun This website will help you ID shotgun head stamps.

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I don't know what that last item is, but I found one exactly like it about two weeks ago? Maybe a grommet.

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