What a weekend in Virginia with my good friend Isaac! Colonial and Civil War relics!


Sr. Member
Feb 15, 2013
York PA, Edisto Beach SC, Shepherdstown WV
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xp deus
Primary Interest:
On friday I drove down from up here in PA to meet Isaac in Virginia on his Birthday! As soon as I pulled in around 5 we decided to go digging since we had about three hours of daylight left! We got lucky at the first place we asked, an 1851 plantation owned by a confederate sympathizer. The owner was very hospitable and gave us free reign! However, it seemed that most of the yard was filled in. Finally we got to a section that was unaltered. Isaac got a really nice 1858 flying eagle cent, and I got a 1939 mercy and a 1954 washington quarter. Isaac also got a merrill carbine bullet and a rose gilt flat button and a brass wedding ring. I got a deep high tone, and dug a little less than a foot to see a large circular brass object! It turns out that it is a one pound 18th century(most likely) trade weight, with a dagger (london manufacture) and an ewer. It blows my mind that someone lost something this large! Before it got too dark Isaac also dug a nice turf exchange token! The owners then let us tour the house and then we left to rest up before saturday!

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On Saturday we got up early and hit one of isaac's pounded colonial sites. We both got flat buttons, I got a pewter spoon and a keyhole and Isaac also got a colonial bullseye style rosette/boss. We then moved on looking for permissions and finally landed one at an 1852 church. Didn't get much, Isaac got a buffalo and a mangled eagle button, I got a buffalo and that was about it. We then moved on and asked at what must've been 8 houses and didn't find a place we could go. We finally got permission at an "1860" house and Isaac dug a perfect Eagle coat button. I then got an iron buckle and a smashed flat large cent- must've been run over by a train! I got a flat button and Isaac got a shoe buckle piece and a flat button. That seemed to be about it, so we moved on to a previously hunted site that turned out to be the best of the day. Isaac got a bunch of buffalo nickels and flat buttons, while I got a few flat buttons, some dropped .58 civil war bullets, and some dropped musket balls. Isaac also got some thimbles and furniture pieces. We also both got toe taps, totaling 8 from this site! It was a great day hunting and once it had gotten to dark to dig, we headed back to rest.


Sunday we got up early and went to try some civil war sites. The first didn't give up any period relics but Isaac got a war nickel. We then moved on to a new permission, where we both found civil war bullets. I got a pulled three ringer, and Isaac got everything from a williams cleaner to a smith, to musket balls. I have to admit, he was beating me something terrible in the bullets category. Then we moved on to another site, where we each got a shot bullet, I got a merc and Isaac got a rosie. I also dug a silver plated brass object that i wouldn't realize until later was a sword scabbard piece! It is mangled and broken but still has the two pieces of wood on the inside where the blade would go in between. We then had really bad luck trying to find sites, with 8 rejections in a row! But we finally landed a site where the owner was a bit weird. We got permission from his wife but when Isaac started to dig, the guy flipped on him. Then as we were packing up he mentioned a garden he just tilled. So naturally we had to hit it! Isaac started digging more fired bullets, and then I got one three ringer that was hammered flat with an "A" carved into it along with a diamond shape. Some have suggested it represents an ace of diamonds. Whatever the case, it is an amazing soldier altered relic! I also got an 1872 shield nickel as Isaac was digging bullets at the edge of the garden. Then the man offered for us to hit the yard of an old property he owned, so we did! I got a WW1 blackened marines coat button along with a weird buckle and a bunch of wheaties. Isaac did well here too with a musket ball a war nickel and tons of wheaties. At that point we had to call it quits as i had to drive 3 hours north back to college. All in all it was an amazing hunt. Happy birthday Isaac you lead magnet! :)


Upvote 14
That my friend was a GREAT Hunt.
Lot's of everything.

Sounds like what I would consider a dream MDing weekend. Thanks for sharing some great, diverse finds.

very nice finds

Wow, you guys had a great visit. Isaac is a good friend to guide you to some sites giving those finds up.

Scabbard piece is great, but that carved lead . . . !

Nice! I hope to get a chance to hunt some relics VERY soon! Congrats, you did a great job!

Thanks man! I had an awesome time and glad you were able to pick out some KILLER relics. The trade weight is seldom seen, especially that size, and should be recognized more!! Fantastic pull on that scabbard too. Love the carved lead as well. I'll post my finds from this weekend up later, but it doesn't compare to yours! Let's do it again soon!!

Looks like you gents had quite the birthday party! Nice read, and excellent finds! Congrats.

Great finds gentlemen. Thanks for sharing and thanks for the detailed story to accompany the pics!

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