What a great idea!!

artemis moon

Hero Member
Jun 1, 2007
Near Bangor, Maine
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OK, with the economy in a slump and the state of the world's affairs being what they are, it's nice to be able to see some good news once in a while.

I thought I would share this with you all.

My nephew Daniel was diagnosed with a rare disease called Spinal Muscular Atrophy last February. His prognois did not look good. Last summer, he was in the hospital on a respirator for over a month, and we almost lost him when he could not be weaned from the respirator. My brother and his wife literally made the decision that they would allow the doctors to attempt to extubate him one more time and that would be all.

Well, the good news is that Daniel turned 2 in August (many children with SMA do not reach this milestone). His doctor tells us that he has not regressed since she last saw him in late winter..in fact, he's actually gained some bone and muscle mass. He is now standing with the help of a device called a stander.

We know that Daniel will never be like other children, but his family is so grateful that he is here with us today. He's truly a special little boy and anyone who spends time with him knows this immediately.

Daniel has made me mindful of feeling joy at the little things that I used to take for granted. When the world starts to wear me down, I think about this sweet little boy and his infectous smile.

To find out more about Daniel and SMA, please check out danielshope.com

Thanks to the moderators for giving me the appropriate spot to share this with everyone who may be looking for some happy news!

I am so happy for you that you are sooooo very blessed to have this special little boy with you in your lives! They are what love is all about !

Thank you for sharing this good news! It has indeed lifted my spirits. Daniel, and the rest of you (his loved ones) will be in my prayers.

You're right Moon, Daniel will never be like other kids. Other kids just aren't as special as children that have what many of us consider a "handicap". These kids are soooooo much stronger than "other kids". They face adversity and conquer it on a daily basis where as others of us are not challenged similarly in a lifetime. My grandson was born with severely mishap-en feet and ankles. Ever since he was only weeks old, he was going to Shriner's (God bless them all) hospital in Sacramento, CA. for a long series of operations. I remember when my son came back after his first visit to Shriner's. He told me about all the kids he saw there that had a multitude of, what most consider, disfiguring birth defects and injuries of all sorts, from burns to amputations. He said, " Dad, after seeing all of those kids and what they are having to go through, I don't think there is ANYTHING wrong with Nolan" (his Son's name) He had asked the Dr. what the prognosis was with Nolan and the Dr. said, "Well, he'll never be a marathon runner." My son responded with, "How many people are?" (marathon runners), He said all he wanted was for Nolan to be able to walk behind him carrying his own fishing pole. As Nolan got a little older, at the age when most kids are learning to walk, he was wearing fiberglass casts on both of his legs and would hop across the floor on his knees to get around. Nolan is 6 years old now and yes, he carries his own fishing pole. Watch for him to be an NFL kicker, hopefully for the Packers. ;D Daniel is not like "other kids" for a reason, he's SPECIAL and God made him that way.

These little ones that have their "special needs" are always so special to their loved ones. The way they take their life
in stride and keep going should teach all of us a lesson. Will pray for the Lord to take extra care of both these little
guys and their families.

Ray karenray08

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