Jr. Member
OK, so this spring I will be detecting/excavating two old homesteads (including two house, two barn and one milk house foundation). These homesteads were built between 1865 and 1868, and were abandoned in 1910 and 1930. Both are on my dad's property. I just started doing more intensive research about the history these and have decided that the area warrants careful searching. Anyway, to the point, the area is difficult to detect due to huge amounts of iron. Limited digging last year produced axehead, shovels, chains, harnesses, buggy/cart parts and numerous other 19th cen. farm and home iron items. I plan to search with no discrimination and dig everything. I appreciate the history of these iron relics, but I don't have the room for them... I know that many on this board collect these items and I'd be glad to let them go free of charge as long as you haul them away. Otherwise they will just be thrown away. Also, there are several pieces of abandoned, horsedrawn farm equipment on the property that is just rusting away, if anyone is interested. I'll begin digging as soon as the ground thaws in WNY. Reply or msg me if you're interested.