lasttoknow (Tim)
Sr. Member
Started off by driving up to Wilkeson area, looking for an old mining town, now ghost. I'm pretty sure I found the right place to walk in but decided to turn around since I was by myself, in the woods, and no one knew where I was at. Probably not a good idea if I were to fall and break a leg. Or? Anyway next time I'll make sure I have someone with me. I heard a lot of good potential from two seperate sources. Ended up going to the fairgrounds and pulled out some really old garbage, which was good. Tells me there could still be some good stuff left. Talked to the grounds person and he showed me the older portion of the park. Goes back to 1920s... Any way just some modern coin and old garbage for today.... Oh. Anyone living close want to venture to the old town in the woods near Wilkeson? Drop me a line....
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