So last week I went down to my claim. Last year there was a forest fire that went through it and a lot of trees fell over the trail. All the underbrush burnt up so I was worried about the condition of the trail. Luckily it didnt wash away too bad and the forest service sent a crew in and cleared the trees (not for us miners, but for the horseback riders). The fire started about 5 miles below my claim. I camp up creek about 2 miles from my claim on a buddies claim. They said they went and pulled there equipment out before the fire got too far up the canyon. They overheard the firefighters talking about purposefully planning on burning an old 100+ year old mining cabin on my claim. It was a historical land mark. My buddies also found out that they started a back burn fire about 2 miles above his claim (where we camp) and burnt it down all the way to my claim and burnt the cabin down. They started the back burn when the fire was still 3 miles below my claim, a total of 5 miles up creek from the main fire. Thats not the first time they burnt historical cabins down in my area either. Where i camp there used to be a half a dozen mining cabins that they burnt down a few years back.
Anyway, i took a ton of pictures. I will post them when they are all uploaded on photobucket. I was wondering what you guys think of the area from what you can tell from the pictures.
Anyway, i took a ton of pictures. I will post them when they are all uploaded on photobucket. I was wondering what you guys think of the area from what you can tell from the pictures.