Weird SUN this evening


Gold Member
Dec 30, 2012
Canton Ohio Area
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Bottlecap4u Thats what i thought also !

Looks like the sun is setting though the filter of the smoke from the various forest fires out west. That's my guess anyways. Even though I smell burning Marijuana all the time as I drive around Colorados towns and cities I don't think the increase of all these recent pot smokers has generated enough smoke to cause that effect quite yet, but maybe has added to the smoke from the forest fires has then created a strange appearance in the evening sunsets out east.

DD It really is the sun

DD It really is the sun

Gare....sure it is. :laughing7:

Those clouds are lit on the TOP...the Sun is sitting about 92 million miles beyond.

That orange object in your image may indeed be an image of the Sun, but it's been cropped from another image and pasted into your pic.

No worries. On another thread we have a guy with a jar of brown rocks telling us it's going to turn into gold.


  • Sun11a.jpg
    143.5 KB · Views: 19
Whatever that is, its in front of and below the clouds. UFO ? maybe ?
i think it was cloud formations or parts of one. When i got to the bottom of the hill it was gone

Well it's somewhat reassuring. It seems crazy isn't just here, it's arrived at the sun too. That's one stoned sun.

There seems to be opinions that this was a fake picture. My god strike me dead if this is a fake picture. I was driving down a road and seen the sun setting ., i thought over the hills and trees it was neat. No editing was done to this picture

There seems to be opinions that this was a fake picture. My god strike me dead if this is a fake picture. I was driving down a road and seen the sun setting ., i thought over the hills and trees it was neat. No editing was done to this picture
I for one never doubted you Sir. Thank you for posting the photo. Cameras can see things our eyes can't and it picked up what the naked eye couldn't see at the time. If I had to throw out a scientifically-educated guess would say the picture captured corona ejection of the sun in that instant or some other related outburst of sunspot activity. Perhaps the humidity and conditions at the time the picture was taken helped to show that detail better.
Your picture may be a lot of things, but fake is NOT one of them.

I for one never doubted you Sir. Thank you for posting the photo. Cameras can see things our eyes can't and it picked up what the naked eye couldn't see at the time. If I had to throw out a scientifically-educated guess would say the picture captured corona ejection of the sun in that instant or some other related outburst of sunspot activity. Perhaps the humidity and conditions at the time the picture was taken helped to show that detail better.
Your picture may be a lot of things, but fake is NOT one of them.

Buddy i am not sure what you took a photo of but that is definitely not the Sun...
If it IS the sun....
You managed to take a picture that very few IF Anyone has managed to take.

Very interesting to say the least... and cannot help that the term UFO comes to mind.

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